Recombinant Probiotic Preparations: Current State, Development and Application Prospects




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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The article is devoted to the latest achievements in the field of research, development, and implementation of various types of medicinal products based on recombinant probiotics. The benefits of probiotics, their modern use in medicine along with the most frequently used genera and species of probiotic microorganisms were highlighted. The medicinal and therapeutic activities of the studied probiotics were indicated. The review suggests various methods of creating recombinant probiotic microorganisms, including standard genetic engineering methods, as well as systems biology approaches andnew methods of using the CRISPR-Cas system. The range of potential therapeutic applications of drugs based on recombinant probiotics was pro-posed. Special attention was paid to modern research on the creation of new, more effective recombinant probiotics that can be used for various therapeutic purposes. Considering the vast diversity of therapeutic ap-plications of recombinant probiotics and ambiguous functions, their use for the potential treatment of various common human diseases (non-infectious and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic dis-orders, and allergic conditions) was investigated. The prospects for creating different types of vaccines based on recombinant probiotics together with the prospects for their implementation into medicine were consi-dered. The possibilities of using recombinant probiotics in veterinary medicine, particularly for the preven-tion of domestic animal diseases, were reviewed. The prospects for the implementation of recombinant pro-biotics as vaccines and diagnostic tools for testing certain diseases as well as modeling the work of the hu-man digestive system were highlighted. The risks of creation, application, including the issues related to the regulatory sphere regarding the use of new recombinant microorganisms, which can potentially enter the en-vironment and cause unforeseen circumstances, were outlined.


Ключові слова

genetic engineering, biotherapy, living microorganisms, cell-factory, metabolic disorders, immunestimulants, probiotic-based vaccines, генна інженерія, біотерапія, живі мікроорганізми, метаболічні розлади, імуностимулятори, пробіотичні вакцини

Бібліографічний опис

Recombinant Probiotic Preparations: Current State, Development and Application Prospects / Khablenko A.D., Danylenko S.G., Yalovenko O.I., Duhan O.M., Potemskaia O.I., Prykhodko D.S. // Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering : international scientific journal. – 2022. – Vol. 6, No. 3-4. – P. 119-147. – Bibliogr.: 207 ref.