Economical and environmental benefits of pointof-use nacl brine reuse by new membrane technology
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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського; ТОВ «Українська водна спілка»
Cation exchange water softening is one of the most widely used technologies of water treatment.
However, its environmental impact related to discharge of highly concentrated regeneration brine
draws more attention as overall quality and availability of water resources decreases. Bearing in
mind high levels of reusable NaCl in brine discharge, technology that will reduce the environmental
impact and help reuse brine is required. To develop such technology composition of spent brine
solution from Na-cation exchanger was investigated and conditioning of such solution with use of
nanofiltration membranes of different types under different temperatures, pressures and recovery
values was tested. Results show that optimal conditions for NaCl recovery include usage of DuPont
(Dow) Filmtec Fortilife XC-N membrane elements at temperature 23-27 С, pressure of 23-25 bar
and recovery of 55-60 %. Under these conditions purity of NaCl in permeate over 90 % and
productivity by NaCl of 13.1 kg/h were achieved. Principal technological scheme of the process of
membrane conditioning of the spent regeneration solution was proposed that allows achieving
reduction of NaCl consumption by 40 % and reduction of NaCl discharge into sewage by 72 % with
corresponding economic and environmental benefits.
Ключові слова
membrane technology, softening, brine, sodium chloride, nanofiltration, мембранна технологія, пом'якшення, розсіл, хлорид натрію, нанофільтрація
Бібліографічний опис
Orestov, Y. Economical and environmental benefits of pointof-use nacl brine reuse by new membrane technology / Y. Orestov, T. Mitchenko, S. Vasilyuk // Вода і водоочисні технології. Науково-технічні вісті. – 2021. – № 2(30). – С. 34-50.