Використання методу групового врахування аргументів для розроблення інформативних планів експерименту в дослідженні систем виробництва паперу та картону

dc.contributor.authorПлосконос, В. Г.
dc.contributor.authorЯкименко, О. С.
dc.description.abstractenTechnological processes of paper and paperboard production are mainly the processes based on branched interconnected water streams between technological equipment of the production process and treatment facilities. By all signs, such technological processes can be classified into a class of complex systems, and therefore require a special approach to the analysis of their state using the topological analysis method [1,2]. The analysis of literary sources and additional research of complex water systems for paper and paperboard production with minimal fresh water consumption made it possible to determine the scope of experimental researches as well as factors of the process of organic substances extraction from fibrous semi-finished products, which, ultimately, will have a decisive influence on the return and waste water state [3]. As known, the experiment is the most important step in many fundamental and applied researches. An active experiment is carried out for "intelligence" analysis of the researched object and further synthesis of mathematical model that is adequate to it. The results of experimental studies allow to estimate the behavior of a complex object in terms of values that are obtained by output variable responses due to changes of input parameters (factors). For solving of forecasting problems, indirect measurement and optimal control, it is necessary to have models that allow predicting of the responses values in states (points of the factor space) that were not researched during the experiment. Since such models are created on the experimental data, the regression model basically does not allow to obtain information about the object more than this information is potentially accumulated during the experiment and recorded as a data table. The purpose of this article is the use of computer technologies to develop a plan (matrix) of experimental research with the further development of adequate mathematical models that are suitable for modelling purposes, namely: for forecasting of pollution levels of water streams of paper and paperboard production with water-soluble organic, as well as mineral components. The synthesis of such plans takes place through the use of criteria and a special dialog software that provides maximum informativity, and also (which is very important) the soundproof of experimental researches [4]. The purpose of the software complex is to construct multilevel (more than two levels) plans for an active experiment. This approach ensures that the maximum amount of information available regarding the behavior of a complex subject under study is determined on a fixed number of experiments. There are no prior information about the structure of dependencies between responses (optimization parameters) and factors. The modern theory of statistical planning of the experiment is based on the assumption that the object model is known to the accuracy of the coefficients. That allows to reduce the requirements for the plan informativeness: only 2-3 levels of factors variation are taken into account, and the experiments are concentrated on the limit of the experiment area. The breach of the adopted assumption sharply increases the probability of manifestation of extremely undesirable consequences caused by the construction of a model that is inadequate to the object, namely: flagrant errors in forecasting and decision making, and so on. In this case, it is necessary to use additional criteria for constructing an informative experiment plan by a significant restriction of the area of search versions. The specified requirements can be achieved using the criteria: the maximum of the minimum inter-experiment distance (1) and the maximum Euclidean distance (2). Thus, criterion (1) provides the maximum of an entropy estimate, which is calculated by the elimination of any column, their pair, triplet, etc. in the matrix of the experiment. Criterion (2) maximizes the scope of the experiment, which is also a condition for increasing its informativity and contributes to minimize the estimates variation of the model coefficients independently of its structure. It should be noted that the use of the criteria in sequence (1) - (2) is effective. A specially created software complex realizes the original method of an experiment. planning . Thus, in the article for the research of complex processes, where the extraction of organic substance from fibrous semi-finished products belongs, a plan of experimental research has been developed. Synthesis of such plans is going on with the use of criteria and a special dialogue software system, which provides maximum informativity, as well as soundproof of experimental research. The next step of the study is the creation, using computer technologies, of adequate mathematical models that are suitable for modelling purposes, namely: for forecasting the levels of water streams pollutions of paper and paperboard production with water-soluble organic, as well as mineral components.uk
dc.description.abstractukЗ метою розроблення матриці експерименту використано критерії та спеціальне програмне забезпечення методу групового врахування аргументів (МГУА), що забезпечує максимальну інформативність та шумостійкість експериментальних досліджень процесу екстракції водорозчинних органічних речовин із волокнистих напівфабрикатів під час виробництва паперу та картону з мінімальним споживанням свіжої води.uk
dc.format.pagerangeС. 92-97uk
dc.identifier.citationПлосконос, В. Г. Використання методу групового врахування аргументів для розроблення інформативних планів експерименту в дослідженні систем виробництва паперу та картону / Плосконос В. Г., Якименко О. С. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського». Серія «Хімічна інженерія, екологія та ресурсозбереження». – 2019. – № 1 (18). – С. 92-97. – Бібліогр.: 4 назв.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.sourceВісник НТУУ «КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського». Серія «Хімічна інженерія, екологія та ресурсозбереження»: збірник наукових праць, 2019, № 1(18)uk
dc.subjectматриця експериментуuk
dc.subjectкритерії максимальної інформативностіuk
dc.subjectсистема водокористуванняuk
dc.subjectвиробництво паперу та картонуuk
dc.subjectорганічні водорозчинні речовиниuk
dc.subjectexperiment matrixuk
dc.subjectcriteria of maximum informativenessuk
dc.subjectwater systemuk
dc.subjectpaper and paperboard productionuk
dc.subjectorganic water-soluble substancesuk
dc.subject.udc676: 628.1.3uk
dc.titleВикористання методу групового врахування аргументів для розроблення інформативних планів експерименту в дослідженні систем виробництва паперу та картонуuk


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