Synergistic suppository herbal formulation for prostatitis treatment
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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Background. Global data indicates that the prevalence of prostate diseases, including prostatitis, ranges from 11% to 74% in men aged 20-65 years. There are clearly defined standards for both conservative and surgical treatment of prostate disease. However, conservative medical treatment of prostatitis does not always allow for a sufficient duration (6-8 weeks) due to the potential for adverse effects. It is currently evident that there is a necessity for the development of products that are highly efficacious with optimal safety profiles, which could ensure their long-term, painless use. In light of the aforementioned considerations, the development of novel multicomponent phytoproducts that exert a direct influence on the functional state of the prostate gland represents a highly promising avenue of research.
Objective. A theoretical study was conducted to investigate the potential synergistic effects of a herbal combination comprising CO2 extracts of Serenoa repens, Calendula officinalis and Levisticum officinale in the treatment of prostatitis.
Methods. A review of scientific studies conducted by researchers from various countries, as well as an analysis of internationally recognised monographs on phyto-ingredients with established therapeutic properties in the treatment of prostatitis, was undertaken. The data from scientific sources on the potential combination and attainment of favourable synergy for CO2 extracts of medicinal lovage (Levisticum officinale), saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and medicinal calendula (Calendula officinalis) were subjected to analysis.
Results. The selection of each herbal extract was based on its distinctive therapeutic properties and the potential for it to complement the others. The saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) has been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic effects, which may be beneficial in the treatment of prostate inflammation and enlargement. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) has been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties, thereby facilitating the reduction of inflammation and the repair of tissue. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which contribute to the reduction of inflammation and improvement in urinary function.
Conclusions. It is anticipated that the theoretical synergy of the studied extracts will enhance the overall therapeutic efficacy, providing improved symptom relief, infection control and tissue regeneration in comparison to traditional treatments. It is anticipated that the suppository delivery system will facilitate localised action with a concomitant reduction in systemic side effects. The proposed formula has the potential to serve as an additional or alternative treatment for prostatitis, pending further experimental validation and clinical trials.
Ключові слова
Prostatitis, Prostate Protector, Herbal Ingredients, Saw Palmetto, Calendula Officinalis, Levisticum Officinale, Synergistic Formulation, Clinical Evaluation, простатит, протектор передміхурової залози, рослинні інгредієнти, карликова пальма, календула лікарська, любисток лікарський, синергетична композиція, клінічна оцінка
Бібліографічний опис
Holembiovska, O. Synergistic suppository herbal formulation for prostatitis treatment / Olena Holembiovska, Oleksandra Dmytrenko // Біомедична інженерія і технологія. – 2024. – № 15. – С. 1-16. – Бібліогр.: 124 назв.