У зібранні розміщено підручники, навчальні посібники, практикуми, матеріали до курсів лекцій, програми дисциплін, авторами або укладачами яких є науково-педагогічні працівники кафедри.
Перегляд Навчально-методичні матеріали (ЗНХ) за Автор "O. Ivanyyk. V"
(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2024) O. Ivanyyk. V
The main theoretical concepts, basic theoretical material by sections: solutions and solutions of electrolytes, thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical processes, chemical current sources, electrolysis, corrosion proposed by the Syllabus of the educational component "Chemistry" are outlined. The manual reflects the modern understanding of the structure of the atom and the processes of oxidation and reduction in reactions. Special attention is paid to the calculation part and the mathematical mechanism of each topic. Examples of solving typical and complicated problems are given. The manual contains tasks for self-control, necessary reference materials.
The manual is intended for bachelor's degree holders in technical specialties.