У зібранні розміщено підручники, навчальні посібники, практикуми, матеріали до курсів лекцій, програми дисциплін, авторами або укладачами яких є науково-педагогічні працівники кафедри.
Перегляд Навчально-методичні матеріали (КМП) за Автор "Kopishynska, K. О."
(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2022) Boiarynova, K. О.; Kopishynska, K. О.
The study guide should contribute to students' practical assimilation of the material of the credit module "Business Management and Administration", which is taught in accordance with the master's training plan for students of the department of management of enterprises in the first year in the first semester. The main purpose of the credit module is the formation of practical skills regarding the application of the provisions of business management and administration, implemented by industrial enterprises, the use of management tools and technologies in business, the development of management abilities and administration of the components of the enterprise's business activities in predictable and unpredictable condi-tions.