Перегляд Секція 2. Комунікативно-когнітивний, енергетичний, культурологічний, еколінгвістичний та прагматичний аспекти фонетичних досліджень дискурсу за Ключові слова "multimodality"
(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Marchenko, Valentyna
The paper presents a view on a speech-and-music work as a multimodal text created by the synthesis of speech and music. The meaning and pragmatic potential of speech-and-music works are developed by the interaction of the mentioned heterogeneous semiotic systems which in their turn are united and processed by a recipient into a certain coherent entity. The multimodality of speech-and-music works makes them valuable for teaching languages since the use of several semiotic modes contribute to better perception, meaning-making and therefore decoding and memorization of a language.