Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Філологія. Педагогіка: збірник наукових праць, Вип. 7

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    Formation of communicative culture of students in the process of extracurricular work in higher technical educational institutions
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Feschuk, A.
    The essence of the concept of “communicative culture” and its importance in the training of engineers in technical higher educational institutions in the process of extracurricular work are revealed in the article. The content of extracurricular work in the training of engineers in modern technical higher educational institution is analyzed. The components of extracurricular work and their characteristics are clarified and specified. The conditions of the educational environment that influence the development of students’ communicative culture are described. The factors that affect the efficiency of extracurricular work in higher technical educational institutions are identified. Traditional and interactive methods that are effective in the formation of communicative culture of future engineers are singled out. The conditions of educational environment that influence the students’ development and the means of improving the quality of training and education of future specialists are examined. Extracurricular work is pointed out as an important factor of formation of the communicative culture of students. The formation of communicative culture which is directed to the development of students' communicative literacy, competence and system of values, their morally spiritual world and stimulus of motivation to self-perfection are reflected in the article.
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    Methodological potential of the US general education in shaping students’ liberal culture
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Fedorenko, S. V.
    The article highlights communication in the general education in the US as an effective tool for shaping students’ liberal culture. Goals and specific characteristics of communication training as a compulsory part of the bachelor program in the US higher education provided by the cycle of courses on the theory and practice of communication are considered. It is noted that communication-based courses provide students with communication models aimed at pragmatics of written and oral communication, which develops their effective communication skills as a part of the communication component of students’ liberal culture and at the same time serves as a tool of its shaping. The priority of communication in the US higher education as a basis for students’ entry into the academic, social and cultural life is specified. The peculiarities of discourse as the unity of sociocultural meanings of higher education and individualized educational practice are covered. It is focused on its specific process of creation and production of social and cultural meanings of life of every student in the course of the US general undergraduate education.
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    Development of students` writing skills: focus on academic essay
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svyrydova, L. G.; Ameridze, O. S.
    The article deals with the importance of development the academic writing skills of technical university students. The focus has been made on essay-type written work as the most common type of writing which is considered to be a good basis for the further, more fundamental academic writings like diploma work or dissertation. Furthermore, students have to be aware of writing an essay when taking exams, especially language proficiency tests of international level. Thus, most students feel the strong motivation and readiness to master academic writing skills. The article reveals the concept of academic writing, its main features and types of academic written works. Also, this article displays the notion of the essay as a genre of academic writing and in details examines the structure of the essay, highlighting the peculiarities. More specifically there have been described the core parts of an essay, namely, introduction, body and conclusion. The significance of well-formulated thesis statement also has been underlined. In addition, there has been proposed a list of useful words and phrases to make an essay easy to read. For students the comprehension of academic writing skills along with speaking, reading and listening is very substantial for making up an image of a highly-skilled and prosperous specialist.
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    Ways of independent work organization in foreign language teaching
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svirepchuk, I. A.; Boiko, I. V.
    This article deals with the ways of independent work (IW) organization in foreign language students’ training in higher education, their role in the education system and the impact on the educational process itself, as well as the all-round development of the personality of the student. The realities of modern world demand new approaches to the professional formation of personality that allows students to adapt to constantly changing society in the process of professional training. This social order of the society makes alterations in the system of education which priority is oriented on self-development, self-education and self-realization of personality of the future specialist. The purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of students’ IW classification from the point of view of different aspects. Namely, there are the following types: according to the time and control form, according to the form of students’ organization, according to the place of fulfillment, according to leading needs and priority objects of mastering, according to the interaction between the teacher and students. Classification of IW according to the level of independence is the most important paradigm. Most of the researchers outline three types of IW, namely: copying, transformation and creative type. These types let students gain the following skills: comprehension of sequence of tasks’ completion, accumulation of basic facts and activity types, rational task performance, adequate assessment of activity results, making choice operations, working out the ways of solving educational problems, determining educational tasks, choosing the required material, solving educational problems, outperforming self-control and self-assessment of their own actions.
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    Testing as a method of teaching english grammar to technical students
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Nikitina, N. S.
    Grammar teaching experiences a variety of influences, points of view and innovations. The author pays attention on advantages of testing usage while teaching English language for non-linguistic students, obtaining technical education. General classification of tests, their application for training specific language skills, results of conducted tests are presented in the article. A test is the main and efficient tool in foreign language teaching of non-linguistic students. Moreover, the statements of different scientists, practitioners and methodologists, corresponding literature are presented in this article. Test explanation of grammar topic was checked practically by non-linguistic students of the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” (NTUU “KPI”) at the Faculty of Physical Engineering. Testing is considered to be one of the effective means of control of knowledge and skills. Multiple-choice test was practically used by the author to teach non-linguistic students the grammar topic “Simple Tenses”. Each part of test teaches specific peculiarities of the grammar topic. Each tense is explained in a separate part of the test. The final part of the test combines all previous grammar items and provides control of material understanding. Obtained results were compared with the results of grammar explanation by conventional methods.
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    Role play in teaching speaking english to future engineers
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Kotkovets, A. L.
    The paper deals with the problem of using role playing techniques for teaching English to future engineers, paying special attention to the development of oral skills. The notion of a role play is defined and compared to the notion of a similar technique – simulation. Several classifications of role plays based on various criteria, such as the number of participants, the location, and the use of aids are given in the paper. Fully scripted, semi-scripted, and non-scripted role plays that may be used in the process of teaching English for specific purposes are described. A number of useful functions (compensative, motivational, educational, instructional, communicative, and entertaining) make this technique a valuable tool in the classroom. Critical structural features of role playing activity, vital for its implementation, are studied in the article. The main elements of a role playing activity, which are supposed to be taken into consideration, are topic; situation; scenario; roles; participants’ actions; task and instruction; real relations between the players; and the use of objects substituting or representing the ones used in the similar real-life situation. The key stages of a role play having various terms by different authors are preparation, explanation, performing the role and debriefing. Language skills are developed at every stage of the activity. The advantages of the use of role play are listed in the paper.
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    Компетентнісний підхід до полікультурного навчання вчителів
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ковалинська, І. В.
    Стаття присвячена виявленню основних вимог до формування компетентностей вчителя в умовах мультикультурного навчального середовища в країнах Західної Європи, та імплементації цих вимог до умов України. Автор вказує, що основні компетентності європейського вчителя –це: вміння працювати в етнічно гетерогенному класі, створювати сприятливу атмосферу для розвитку усіх студентів; уміння співпрацювати з батьками і громадою; розвиток мовних компетентностей. Автором розроблено основи системи полікультурної освіти в Україні, основними структурними компонентами якої є інституційний, цільовий, змістовий, операційно діяльнісний, результативний. Авторка вказує на можливості використання досвіду окремих західноєвропейських країн для розбудови певних компонентів полікультурної освіти в Україні.
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    Project as an effective professionally oriented technology in esp teaching
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Nazarenko, O. I.
    This article deals with the problem of creating effective professionally oriented technologies in ESP teaching aimed at developing students’ communicative competence enabling them to function successfully in their study and work-related communities. The author suggests taking into account the labour market demand for high-performing employees and apply educational technologies, which encourage students to gain prioritized qualities and skills to meet employers’ expectations. Guided by these considerations the author advocates the project-based technology to help students develop underlying skills and strategies and make language learning more interactive and enjoyable. The presented project demonstrates the effective outcomes of specific content-based teaching using presentation techniques.
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    Enhancing students’ soft skills through english for specific purposes
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Drozdovych, N. Yu.
    The role of soft skills for technical students in today's global labor market and high-tech industry has been analyzed. Samples of soft skills’ abilities have been exposed and their role in employment has been highlighted. Approaches to incorporate soft skills into study curricula undertaken in some Western universities have been discussed. As an example, the experience of the Faculty of Computer Science at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” in introducing soft skills into study curricula has been mentioned. The global multicultural and multilanguage environment issues specific challenges to technological education. Meeting these challenges a specific role and importance of foreign languages studies and especially English for special purposes in educational curricula of technological higher educational institutions has been emphasized. An approach of integrating soft skill elements into the course of English for special purposes has been stated, based on the author’s experience at the faculty of aerospace systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. This appeared possible due to the introduction of modern e-learning technology in the study of English for special purposes. The advantage for students is easy 24/7 access to the content of the course, the advantage for teachers is a possibility to evaluate students’ achievements just in time. The elements of soft skills included in the course are the skills necessary for preparing applications for future employment, internships and student exchanges.
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    ESP materials for aeronautical students
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Vadaska, S. V.
    Foreign language studying is an essential tool that helps students to expand their knowledge, to gain new experience, and to function successfully in the professional field. The need for highly-skilled specialists in technology, engineering, business and other fields has led to the necessity of English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching. The higher education institutions in Ukraine face a lot of challenges dealing with ESP programs, materials, students foreign language proficiency, means of studying etc. ESP teachers are responsible for program developing, course designing, materials, and teaching approaches selecting. ESP learning process differs from EFL one. The ESP studying should be concentrated on the skills and knowledge that can be applied to professional needs. To meet all the requirements of ESP teachers and learners, the studying process must be provided with modern and authentic materials. There is a lack of available course books for such field as Aircraft and Rockets Building. Thus, the problem of studying materials was solved by the teachers. A lot of factors are taken into account in the process of textbooks and distant courses developing. Review of learning materials developed for aeronautical students is presented in the paper. The advantages of distant course designed for ESP students self-work are considered.
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    Impact des particularites cognitives des etudiants des facultes techniques sur l'apprentissage du francais sur objectifs specifiques
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bondar, L. V.; Choumtchenko, Т. I.
    Le présent article aborde la question de l'apprentissage du français de spécialité par les étudiants des facultés techniques. Les auteurs analysent l'influence des capacités langagières, l'impact des particularités individuelles d'ordre cognitif, affectif, social, de situation, notamment les styles d'apprentissage des apprenants, sur l'efficacité de la formation des compétences en communication inerculturelle. Les caractéristiques psychologiques et cognitives, propres aux représentants du même domaine se reflètent dans les structures verbales de la transmission de l'information, dans la dominance de certaines façons de la percevoir, de son traitement, de sa réutilisation et de sa production. L'étude a permis de conclure que pour la formation de la compétence en communication interculturelle les facteurs mentionnés doivent être pris en considération, et il est nécessaire de favoriser chez un étudiant une auto-observation, ce qui lui permettra d'éviter certaines difficultés, d'adapter ses particularités cognitives et affectives, ses stratégies à la réalisation d'une tâche en fonction de la situation et développer certaines capacités langagières. Les recherches montrent que la plupart des étudiants en sciences techniques ont un style analytique qui est lié aux aspects du fonctionnement cérébral et dont les spécificités se manifestent dans la préférence pour le mode sériel de la perception et de la compréhension, du traitement séquentiel et algorithmique de l'information et de sa production. Les auteurs proposent certains devoirs qui visent à former la compétence des apprenants en sciences techniques en communication interculutrelle et dans lesquels les facteurs mentionnés ci-dessus sont pris en compte. L'analyse de la question abordée a montré qu'avant tout un étudiant doit savoir recourir à une stratégie adaptée à son objectif, ce qui est possible si en apprenant il peut s'observer et rendre souple son style d'apprentissage.
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    Syntactical peculiarities of english and ukrainian legal terms
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Sadovska, M. I.
    The article deals with a syntactical variety of English and Ukrainian legal terms. Legal or juridical terms are investigated in the lights of specialization of their meaning and the narrow contextual difference in comparison with general vocabulary. There is a focus on such notions as “specialization”, “unification” and “codification” as inevitable basis of every terminological system. Besides, legal terms of Latin and Greek origins are viewed as a separate element of the international juridical terminological bank and, thus, are to a greater extent left not translated. Classification on the level of specialized meaning is presented. Thorough syntactical analysis of English and Ukrainian legal terms is done. The most frequent syntactical patterns of legal word combinations consisting of two-, three- and multi-elements are distinguished (both Ukrainian and English). On the basis of comparative analysis of the syntactical structure of legal terms and word combinations, the interdependence between the structure of a lexical unit and transformation applied is traced. The most widespread transformations applied for the translation of English legal terms are highlighted.
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    Argumentative discourse of technical research papers in the context of rhetorical structure theory
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Doronkina, N. Ye.
    The article deals with Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). It is shown that the theory is a very helpful descriptive tool not only for microstructure but for macrostructure as well. The role of rhetorical relations in argumentative discourse in the sphere of science is described. The structure of Toulmin's argumentation model in the context of rhetorical relations is given. The relations taking place between the model components are analyzed. They are divided into four groups according to the type of causal link. All rhetorical relations are analyzed by means of decomposition into nucleus and satellite. The group of basic causal relations is parted in agreement with the degree of speaker participation. The group of Conditional relations is presented in full paradigm. In considering the group of purposeful relations such factors as cognitive states of readers and speakers are taken into account. Concessive relations are discussed from two points of view. Macrostructure of scientific papers argumentative discourse is outlined in the context of topical content. To describe macrostructure of discourse such multinuclear schemas as Joint are used. RST diagram for Introduction chapter is shown. The examples of all rhetorical relations taken from technical research papers are presented.
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    Актуалізація міжконцептуальних зв’язків концепту semana santa в сучасній іспанській мові
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Биба, М. О.
    У статті розглядаються особливості репрезентації міжконцептуальних зв’язків концепту SEMANA SANTA в іспанській лінгвокультурі. Міжконцептуальні зв’язки представляють відношення, які виникають між концептами у ході їхньої взаємодії у концептосфері і вибудовуються на основі певних параметрів. Джерелом практичного матеріалу послугував корпус іспанської мови Королівської Академії іспанської мови. Виявлено ряд базових концептів, з якими має зв’язки концепт SEMANA SANTA. Встановлено тип зв’язку між концептом SEMANA SANTA та концептами RELIGIÓN, VACACIONES, TURISMO, TIEMPO, TRÁFICO, MUERTE, CRISIS ECONÓMICA. Різноманіття концептуальних зв’язків концепту SEMANA SANTA свідчить про збагачення його змісту на сучасному етапі, появу у його структурі нових ознак, вказує на значимість досліджуваного концепту у культурному просторі носіїв іспанської мови.