Секція 2. Комунікативно-когнітивний, енергетичний, культурологічний, еколінгвістичний та прагматичний аспекти фонетичних досліджень дискурсу

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  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Особливості функціонування динамічної підсистеми просодії в англомовних військових промовах: гендерний аспект
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Сердюк, Ірина Валеріївна
    The paper highlights the results of the experimental-phonetic research of intensity functioning as the essential part of a dynamic component of intonation in the speeches of high-ranking US Armed Forces female officers in comparison with the speeches of their male colleagues. The research was conducted on the perceptive and acoustic levels, which enabled us to identify the dynamic peculiarities of English military speeches. It was revealed, that the speaker`s gender is not the main factor to have an influence on the intensity realization in military speeches. The specificity of intensity functioning was proven to depend on general conditions of discourse development and individual peculiarities of speakers.
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    On the Role of Prosodic Means for Communicative Moves Actualization in Presidential Discourse
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Savchuk, Valeriy
    The article presents the results of an experimental phonetic study of such prosodic component as accidental rise. It discusses its peculiarities in assisting a president to meet his strategic and tactical objectives. The US presidents’ addresses were classified into three types according to such characteristics as situation and subject. It also examines how a topic of speech effects its prosodic organization.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Просодическая экспрессивность в английском языке: константные и вариативные признаки
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Рускевич, Людмила Вячеславовна
    The article reports the results of the study aimed at discovering constant and variable features of the prosodic structure of English utterances containing expressive words. It has been shown that most important constant features of expressive prosody include emphatic prominence on expressive words and the increased FF and intensity range of the entire prosodic contour. The morphological category of expressive words and their syntactic function are the factors of variation in the tonicity and tonality of the utterance.
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    Investigating the Interplay of Speech Intonation and Music in Speech-and-Music Works
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Marchenko, Valentyna
    The paper presents the overall results of the experimental phonetic research aimed at studying the relations between speech and music, with an emphasis on their intonation, and their integrated functioning within speech-and-music works. Based on Speech Energetic Theory, the study exploited the idea of emotional-and-pragmatic potential as a background for speech-and-music work generation and used a special formula for its evaluation within a speech-and-music work. Such an approach enabled the author to establish commonalities and discrepancies in speech and music intonation functioning within a speech-and-music work.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Просодична організація клішованих висловів у комунікативних ситуаціях співпереживання
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Куценко, Микола Анатолійович
    The paper focuses on prosodic realization of sympathy utterances of compassion consisting of clichéd phrases “I know” and “I understand”. Since these phrases are among the most common for both formal and informal situations independently of the speakers’ social statuses intonation plays prominent role in decoding the proper meaning of the utterance.
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    The Correlation of Intonation and Pragmatics in English Conversational Speech
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Kozub, Lubov
    The article deals with the problem of correlation of intonation and pragmatics in English conversational speech. It highlights that prosody correlates with pragmatics through the attitudinal function of intonation. The author states that attitudinal intonation together with nonlinguistic information reflect the speaker’s behavior in a given situation, either as intended by the speaker or as inferred by the receiver or both.
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    Варіювання швидкості зміни руху тону в англомовних сільських пейзажних описах
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Гуменюк, Інна Леонідівна
    The paper offers the results of acoustic analysis of prosodic means realizing English rural landscape descriptions. The results of acoustic analysis enabled the author to establish the variations in the speed of tone movement changes in the prose descriptive fragments under study.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Роль просодичних засобів в імплікації концепту СМІХ у романі Б. Вербера «Le Rire du Cyclope»
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Буць, Жанна Володимирівна; Кривенець, Ірина В’ячеславівна
    In this research the authors make an attempt to determine the role of prosodic means in the implication of the concept of LAUGH in the Bernard Werber’s novel «Le rire du cyclope». The linguistic expression of the investigated concept is inextricably linked with the use of prosodic means, which give new connotative shades to its verbal form of expression. Enlightenment, verbalized in a work of art allows recognizing the physical, emotional, psychological state of the speaker, reveals his psychological individuality and plays the conceptual creation function.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Evaluation of the Spoken English Parable’s Energetic Potential
    (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Taranenko, Larysa
    The paper is the experimental study of the energetic potential of English parables’ oral actualization. It outlines specific features of prosodic means’ interaction in English parables that contribute to conveying the text pragmatic orientation. The results of the study demonstrate the correlation between the changes of the speaker’s psycho-emotional state while producing the parable and its energetic potential resulting in its definite prosodic organization.