Секція 8. Лінгвоконтрастивні дослідження фонетичних систем іноземної та української мов

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  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Деякі специфічні риси фонологічних систем германських та слов’янських мов
    (Міленіум, 2017) Рудківський, Олександр Петрович
    The article highlights the problem of phoneme distinctive features in Germanic and Slavic languages as one of the main tasks of modern comparative phonology. The relevance of neutralization of such a phonological feature as «voiced» of Germanic consonant and the variety of vowel phonemes duration is established. The optional character of such signs as glottal stop for vowels in Germanic languages and palatalization of consonants in Slavic languages are outlined.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Vokalphonemische Typologie des Ukrainischen und des Deutschen
    (Міленіум, 2017) Kiyko, S.
    The report describes the principles of contrastive studies of Ukrainian and German languages at the level of phonology and suggests the method of comparison of their vowel phonetic systems taking into account the hierarchy of distinctive features of phonemes. Based on the ideal language type we have also developed a flow diagramm for the description of the vowel phonemes in Ukrainian and German.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Парадигматика і синтагматика диференційних ознак фонем української та німецької мов
    (Міленіум, 2017) Стеріополо, Олена Іванівна
    The paper presents a paradigmatic and syntagmatic description of phonological systems of Ukrainian and German. As a result of auditory and acoustic analysis the author makes an attempt to define the status of the so-called semi-palatalized Ukrainian consonants and geminates, specify their place of articulation and compare them with the corresponding phonemes in German as well as identify the degree of their modifications in connected speech.