Information, Computing and Intelligent systems, No. 3

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 10
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Overview of ocr tools for the task of recognizing tables and graphs in documents
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Yaroshenko, O.
    This study describes OCR tools for recognizing tables and graphs. There is a great demand for solutions that can effectively automate the processing of an extensive array of documents. Existing OCR solutions can efficiently recognize text, but recognizing graphical elements, such as charts and tables, is still in the making. Solutions that can increase the accuracy of visual data recognition can be valuable for technical document processing, such as scientific, financial, and analytical documents.
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    Modern information systems security means
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Klymenko, Iryna Anatoliivna; Verner, A. I.
    The article provides a thorough review of current research on information security means available for the endpoint protection. In the first chapter, categories and features of types of threats to information security are considered. The second chapter provides a general description of threat analysis methods, compares static, dynamic, hybrid malware analysis methods and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The third chapter considers the modern methods of detecting and mitigating threats to information systems, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation. The purpose of this article is to provide a general overview of the current state of information security and existing modern methods of protecting information systems from possible threats.
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    Methods of effectivization of scalable systems: rewiew
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Honcharenko, Oleksandr; Loutskii, Heorhii
    The article discusses the problem of inefficiency of modern systems and horizontal scaling as a method of increasing productivity. The main issues that make up the mentioned problem are highlighted. A classification for possible solutions was proposed, according to which they were divided into architectural and network, and an overview was carried out. As part of the architectural class, such approaches as quantum computing and the dataflow paradigm were reviewed, the most promising solutions were analyzed. The comparative analysis shows that by their nature dataflow and quantum computing do not contradict each other, moreover, they complement each other in the context of the problem. At the same time, both types of processors require a certain network for communication, which makes the issue of topology relevant. At the network level, 2 topologies - Fat Tree and Dragonfly - were considered, and their main properties were highlighted. The analysis showed that in the context of the problem Dragonfly is slightly better due to decentralization and smaller diameter. In the conclusions, the main aspects of problem formulation and review are indicated, further prospects and possible methods are considered.
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    Fast secure calculation of the open key cryptography procedures for IoT in clouds
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Mirataei, Alireza; Markovskyi, Oleksandr; Haidukevych, Maria
    The article proposes a method for accelerating the implementation of cryptographic data protection mechanisms on embedded IoT terminal microcontrollers, the basic operation of which is the modular exponentiation of high-capacity numbers. The method is based on the use of remote computer systems to speed up calculations and provides protection against the reconstruction of the secret keys of cryptosystems from data transmitted to the cloud. It has been theoretically and experimentally proven that the method allows, on average, 50 times, to speed up the implementation of cryptographic data protection protocols in IoT while providing a level of security sufficient for most practical applications.
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    Organization of protected filtering of images in clouds
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Mirataei, Alireza; Rusanova, Olga; Tribynska, Karolina; Markovskyi, Oleksandr
    The article proposes an approach to using cloud technologies to accelerate the filtering of image streams while ensuring their protection during processing on remote computer systems. Homomorphic encryption of images during their remote filtering is proposed to be carried out by shuffling rows of pixel matrices. This provides a high level of protection against attempts to illegally restore images on computer systems that filter them. The developed approach makes it possible to speed up the performance of this important image processing operation by 1-2 orders of magnitude.
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    Zero-knowledge identification of remote users by utilization of pseudorandom sequences
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Daiko, Ihor; Selivanov, Viktor; Chernyshevych, Miroslava; Markovskyi, Oleksandr
    The article theoretically substantiates, proposes and investigates an identification scheme based on the concept of "zero knowledge" using irreversible generators of pseudorandom bit sequences. Session passwords form a chain generated by selective sequence values. Secondary identification sessions are provided in the proposed scheme to counter attacks with the displacement of one of the remote interaction parties. The main elements of the proposed identification scheme are developed in detail: authorization procedures, primary and secondary identification.
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    Simulation of fluid motion in complex closed surfaces using a lattice Boltzmann model
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Kuzmych, Valentyn; Novotarskyi, Mykhailo
    CFD (computational fluid dynamics) modeling is used to determine the distribution of pressure, velocity, and other movement parameters of liquids or gases. Simulation of a fluid flow in a complex closed surface has become demandable in many scientific, medical, and industrial areas. The lattice Boltzmann model is an efficient numerical scheme for modeling fluid flows. In this paper, we investigate nonstationary hydrodynamic processes in closed surfaces using the Boltzmann lattice model to simulate fluid flow in the human stomach.
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    Organization of parallel execution of modular multiplication to speed up the computational implementation of public-key cryptography
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Boyarshin, Igor; Markovskyi, Oleksandr; Ostrovska, Bogdana
    The article theoretically substantiates, investigates and develops a method for parallel execution of the basic operation of public key cryptography - modular multiplication of numbers with high bit count. It is based on a special organization of the division of the components of modular multiplication into independent computational processes. To implement this, it is proposed to use the Montgomery modular reduction. The described solution is illustrated with numerical examples. It has been theoretically and experimentally proven that the proposed approach to parallelization of the arithmetical process of modular multiplication makes it possible to speed up this important for cryptographic tasks operation by 5-6 times.
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    Organization of fast exponentiation on galois fields for cryptographic data protection systems
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Halil, Al-Mrayt Ghassan Abdel Jalil; Markovskiy, Oleksandr; Stupak, Alona
    The article proposes the organization of accelerated execution of the basic operation of a wide range of cryptographic algorithms with a public key - exponentiation on finite Galois fields GF(2n ). Acceleration of the computational implementation of this operation is achieved by organizing the processing of several bits of the code at once during squaring on Galois fields. This organization is based on the use of polynomial squared properties, Montgomery group reduction, and extensive use of previous calculations. Procedures for performing basic operations of exponentiation on Galois fields are developed in detail, the work of which is illustrated by numerical examples. It has been proved that the proposed organization can increase the computational speed of this operation by 2.4 times, which is significant for cryptographic applications.
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    Design of data buffers in field programmablr gate arrays
    (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2022) Sergiyenko, Anatoliy; Serhiienko, Pavlo; Mozghovyi, Ivan; Molchanova, Anastasiia
    The design of the data buffers for the field programable gate array (FPGA) projects is considered. A new method of buffer design is proposed, which is based on the representation of the synchronous dataflow graph in the three-dimensional space, optimization of them, and description in VHDL. The method gives the optimized buffers which are based either on RAM or on the register pipeline. The derived pipeline buffer can be mapped into the shift register primitive of FPGA. The method is built in the experimental SDFCAD framework intended for the pipelined datapath synthesis.