Decentralized leader-following con-sensus control design for discrete-time multi-agent systems with switching to-pology
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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
The problem of consensus control of linear discrete-time multi-agent systems (MASs) with switching topology is considered in the presence of a leader. The goal of consensus control is to bring the states of all agents to the leader state while providing stability for local agents, as well as the MAS as a whole. In contrast to the traditional approach, which uses the concept of an extended dynamic multi-agent system model and communication topology graph Laplacian, this paper proposes a decomposition approach, which provides a separate design of local controllers. The control law is chosen in the form of distributed feedback with discrete PID controllers. The problem of local controllers’ design is reduced to a set of semidefinite programming problems using the method of invariant ellipsoids. Sufficient conditions for agents’ stabilization and global consensus condition fulfillment are obtained using the linear matrix inequality technique. The availability of information about a finite set of possible configurations between agents allows us to design local controllers offline at the design stage. A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Ключові слова
multi-agent system, consensus control, switching topology, PID controller, invariant ellipsoids method, linear matrix inequality, semidefinite programming problem, мультиагентна система, консенсусне керування, комутаційна топологія, ПІД регулятор, метод інваріантних еліпсоїдів, лінійна матрична нерівність, задача напіввизначеного програмування
Бібліографічний опис
Dorofieiev, Y. I. Decentralized leader-following con-sensus control design for discrete-time multi-agent systems with switching to-pology / Dorofieiev Y. I., Lyubchyk L. M., Malko M. M. // Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології : міжнародний науково-технічний журнал. – 2024. – № 2. – С. 100-116. – Бібліогр.: 35 назв.