Роль міжнародних інституцій у регулюванні зміни клімату

dc.contributor.authorБардіна, О. О.
dc.contributor.authorBardina, O. O.
dc.description.abstractenThis article researches the international institutions, which play an important role in climate change problems solving. The subject of the article is very important in the light of increasing role of international regulation of the climate change problem. As far as the climate change is a global problem its solving shall be implemented by the international organizations because such institutions are made by states for cooperation abroad. The League of Nations and United Nations were innovations of twenty century. International Law has reached its contemporary evocation because of contribution of UN and has been founded by UN bodies. First organization which was founded especially because of climate change problems was The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – a leading international body for assessing the most recent scientific research on climate change. The IPCC reviews the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic researches relevant to the understanding of climate change. The United Nations General Assembly established the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC) as a single intergovernmental negotiating process under the auspices of the General Assembly. The INC has prepared the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change text and launched it at the Earth Summit. Several institutions and bodies work within the framework of the Convention. These include those established by the Convention the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP), the subsidiary bodies (SBs), the Bureau and the Secretariat. They also include other bodies established by COP: committees, working groups and expert bodies. COP is a “supreme body” of the Convention, as it is its highest decision-making authority. The climate change process revolves around the annual sessions of COP, which bring together all countries that are Parties to the Convention. The work of COP and each subsidiary body is guided by an elected Bureau. To ensure continuity, it serves not only during sessions, but between sessions as well. The Convention has established two permanent subsidiary bodies (SBs), namely the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation. The secretariat, also known as the Climate Change Secretariat, services COP, SBs, the Bureau and other bodies established by COP. Other bodies with assistant functions or other functions also act in climate change system of UNFCCC. The research represents an overview of main subjects that represent governance, regulation and other functions in the sphere of climate change beyond UNFCCC regime. As far as the international institutions or organizations act on different levels of governance and represent different field, the research was expanded on other institutions from United Nations system and forums of different nature. Among UN system organizations the main role in climate change process is played by UNEP and UNDP. The first one helped to build a contemporary climate change system much and now it is focused on mitigation and adaptation in the developing countries. The second one helps to extend knowledge and to implement mitigation on national strategies. The Forums of major world economies became a stage for climate change problems’ settlement. The articles reveal the work done by Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, The Group of Eight, Group of Twenty, The Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate. The conclusion resulting from the research done shows a considerable quantity of international organizations concerned with climate change problems. But low efficiency and unacceptable results of such impressive activity make us to think about the new approaches for reaching progress in climate change.uk
dc.description.abstractruВ статье проведено исследование международных институций, которые играют значительную роль в сфере решения проблем изменения климата.uk
dc.description.abstractukУ статті досліджено міжнародні інституції, які відіграють значну роль в сфері вирішення проблем зміни клімату.uk
dc.format.pagerangeС. 138-143uk
dc.identifier.citationБардіна О. О. Роль міжнародних інституцій у регулюванні зміни клімату / Бардіна О. О. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Політологія. Соціологія. Право : збірник наукових праць. – 2013. – № 3 (19). – С. 138–143. – Бібліогр.: 40 назв.uk
dc.source.nameВісник НТУУ «КПІ». Політологія. Соціологія. Право: збірник наукових працьuk
dc.subjectміжнародне правоuk
dc.subjectзміна кліматуuk
dc.subjectРамкова конвенція ООН зі зміни кліматуuk
dc.subjectКіотський протоколuk
dc.titleРоль міжнародних інституцій у регулюванні зміни кліматуuk
dc.title.alternativeEvolution of normative and institutional mechanism of climate change problems’ solutionuk


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