Бездротова система розумного дому для домашніх тварин

dc.contributor.advisorГолубєва, Ірина Петрівна
dc.contributor.authorЮфимович, Тимофій Володимирович
dc.description.abstractУ наше життя все частіше і частіше входить технологія «Розумний дім». З її допомогою можна віддалено управляти різною побутовою технікою від освітлення до температури, від лампочки до телевізора. Зручність, можливість безлічі налаштувань, планування і управління зі смартфона і т.д. Так само за допомогою цієї технології можна запланувати за розкладом годування собак або кота. Дуже часто перед людьми постає питання, як нагодувати свого домашнього улюбленця, якщо ви не вдома? У будь-якому випадку вам буде необхідно затриматись на роботі, провідати батьків у іншому місті або ж відправитись у відпустку без своєї кішки або собаки. Щоб не доводилося постійно просити знайомого нагодувати, аби тварина не страждала, я вирішив у дипломній роботі спроектувати автоматичну годівницю для свого кота. Автогодівниця буде забезпечувати його їжею без шкоди для здоров’я, головне, щоб тварина не голодувала і не переїдала. Отже, постало завдання створити годівницю яка б вміщала в себе тарілку з кормом, була зручною для кота, щоб тарілку було легко ставити і витягувати з годівниці, щоб годівницю легко було мити і вона не займала багато місця за площею, щоб була безпечною для тварини.uk
dc.description.abstractotherSince ancient times, people have co-existed with animals, they have always been and will always be around us. in my thesis, we will focus on pets, namely cats. Four- legged friends have always greatly influenced our lives, and the connections that are formed between a person and his pet are unique. I can give at least two reasons that pets are good for people. The first reason is the improvement of people's health. Following humans for a decade, scientists at the University of Minnesota found that cats help reduce the risk of heart attack by almost a third. Over the entire period of the study, more than 4 thousand American residents aged 30 to 75 years took part in it, 3 thousand of whom had pets. Having a cat also reduces the likelihood of other cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke. All this is due to the fact that these pets have the ability to relieve anxiety and stress. And as a result, blood pressure is normalized and cholesterol levels and heart rate are reduced. The second reason is to deprive people of depression. The Mental Health Foundation Research Center conducted a survey of about 2 thousand people, 76% of participants confirmed that the presence of a cat not only has a positive effect on well-being, but also helps to cope with everyday difficulties. Cats with their presence distract their owners from dark thoughts and raise their spirits. Like humans, cats have their own needs, first of all it is sleep. Compared to humans, a cat's sleep goes through a phase of fast, lasting 5-7 minutes, and slow, lasting 20-30 minutes, sleep. The slow-wave sleep phase is characterized by a slowdown in breathing and a decrease in pulse rate, while in this state the animal fully controls the surrounding space. Not fully relaxed muscles allow the cat to instantly react to any danger that threatens and immediately move from a state of sleep to active actions. It is not recommended to wake up the cat often or otherwise disrupt its normal routine. Sudden awakening or prolonged lack of sleep can lead to increased irritability and excitability of the animal, as well as eventually lead to health problems. How long can you leave an animal alone? Cats are free creatures, but at the same time require a lot of attention and care, domestic cats are very attached to their owners. Prolonged absence of the host can have bad consequences. Cats, as a rule, have every chance of becoming less energetic or may experience psychological suffering altogether. Experts say that you can leave the creature alone for no more than 3 days, lack of communication negatively affects the animal, namely the likelihood of its aggressive behavior: scratches, growls and the appearance of negativity. It is necessary to leave the animal a sufficient amount of food and water. Regarding the proper feeding of a pet, it is necessary to make a balanced diet for it, including all the nutrients necessary for its body, because this is one of the most important components on which the cat's health depends. You can immediately say that leaving a large amount of food in the bowl and leaving the cat at home is a very bad idea. Excessive feed consumption leads to health problems. We plan to build an automated device with an electric drive and radio control. To dispense food, you need to open the feeder for a certain period of time – you need a timer, for radio communication you need a proper radio module and controller. To make a rational choice of components, consider common microcontrollers.Regarding proper feeding of a pet, it is necessary to make a balanced diet for it, including all the nutrients necessary for its body, because this is one of the most important components on which the health of the cat depends. By bit depth, you can note 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers. In general, switching from 8-to 16-bit microcontrollers to 32-bit microcontrollers means that you will have fewer restrictions on resources, especially memory, and the width of registers used to perform arithmetic and logical operations. 8, 16, and 32-bit buses have different sizes of internal and external data buses, respectively, as well as the size of the internal register used for arithmetic and logical operations. The size of the I/O ports corresponds to the size of the data bus, so an 8-bit cotrller will have 8-bit ports, a 16-bit cotriller will have 16-bit ports, a 32-bit cotriller will have 32-bit ports. Microcontrollers based on processor command system types, namely CISC and RISC. Comparing these two types, we can say that in RISC, each instruction is designed to perform a small task, so that to perform a complex task, several small instructions are used together, while to perform the same task with CISC, only a few instructions are required – because it is capable of performing a complex task. CISC is commonly used for computers, while RISC is used for smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. Microcontroller instruction set architectures. The von Neumann architecture has only one bus, which is used for both receiving instructions and transmitting data, and operations must be scheduled because they cannot be executed simultaneously. On the other hand, the Harvard architecture has a separate memory space for instructions and data, physically separating signals and storage for code and data memory, which in turn allows simultaneous access to each memory system. The von Neumann architecture is primarily used in any machine you see, from desktops and laptops to high-performance computers and workstations. Harvard architecture is a concept used primarily in microcontrollers and digital signal processing. The most common types of microcontrollers on the market, namely AVR, ARM, 8051 and PIC, were considered, each with its own advantages and disadvantages compared to the others. The main features of each of them are: 8051 – known for its standard, PIC – cheap, AVR – cheap and efficient, ARM – high-speed operation. The main features of the ZigBee and Thread wireless protocols are considered. Basically, these technologies are used using mesh networks, that is, all devices of the network are connected to each other and are able to take on the role of a switch, with the ability to self-repair and relay messages The main differences were given from the security of using such protocols to the number of interested companies that choose them to develop their projects on these technologies. ZigBee and Thread technologies are perfect for creating automated systems in both residential and commercial enterprises. Both occupy the same low-power communication space and compete for market share. The main features of Bluetooth Low Energy are described. BLE consumes much less electricity compared to other low-consumption technologies. Information transmission in the 2.4 GHz band is strongly influenced by ambient interference, such as metal objects, concrete walls, water, and human bodies. BLE is best suited for applications with a small transmission radius. Since BLE is available in most smartphones on the market, you can control everything even from your phone. As for me, for a smart home system, this technology is the best choice, and it is this technology that I choose for the further operation of my cat feeding device. All the necessary components for the layout are considered and selected, starting with the selection of cat food, ending with a microcontroller that will give a PWM signal to the servo. I chose a food with a moderate fat content, which is necessary for cats with chronic stomach diseases. I chose the cheap and most popular sg90 servo, it's tiny and lightweight with high power output, just what you need to fit it in a two-can design. The brain of the entire system chose Launchpad SensorTag CC1352R, it will connect to my phone using the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. When you press a key in the SimpleLink Starter mobile app, the launcher will give a PWM signal and the servo will scroll the top jar, through the holes in the cans, food will be poured into the pet's bowl. A microcontroller is a processor combined with RAM, ROM, buffered I/O pins, and simple peripherals (serial modules, op-amps, comparators, etc.). Today, various types of microcontrollers are available on the market, such as those based on different types of buses (4-bit, 8-bit, 32-bit). A microcontroller is a compressed microcomputer designed to control the functions of embedded systems in office machines, robots, home appliances, automobiles, and a number of other gadgets. A microcontroller consists of components such as memory, peripherals, and, most importantly, a processor. Microcontrollers are mainly used in devices that require some degree of control by the device user An instruction set or instruction set architecture is a computer structure that provides a computer with commands to control a computer to handle data manipulation. The instruction set consists of instructions, addressing modes, native data types, registers, interrupts, exception handling, and a memory architecture. A set of commands can be emulated in the software using an interpreter or embedded in the processor hardware. The instruction set architecture can be considered as the boundary between software and hardware. Processor performance depends on the number of instructions that are written in the program, more instructions, and more time spent by the processor executing them. It also depends on the number of clock cycles in which each instruction is executed.some instructions require more clock cycles to be executed than others, so they lag behind CPU performance. The instructions in the program and the loops required to execute each instruction are inversely proportional to each other. Changing one will affect the other. The instruction set defines the processor's functionality, including the operations supported by the processor, the processor's storage mechanisms, and how programs are compiled into the processor.uk
dc.format.extent69 с.uk
dc.identifier.citationЮфимович, Т. В. Бездротова система розумного дому для домашніх тварин : дипломна робота … бакалавра : 153 Мікро- та наносистемна техніка / Юфимович Тимофій Володимирович. – Київ, 2021. – 69 с.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.subjectбездротовий звʼязокuk
dc.subjectгодівниця для тваринuk
dc.titleБездротова система розумного дому для домашніх тваринuk
dc.typeBachelor Thesisuk


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