Development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of alternative energy between Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China





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The relevance of the research topic. With the growth of the world's population and the continuous development of industry, human demand for energy is also rising. Industrial production and the polluting gases emitted by manufacturing have caused climate changes. Climate change threatens the survival of vulnerable species on the planet, threatens ecosystems and biodiversity, and may threaten the survival of humankind. Renewable energy plays an important role in global efforts to combat climate change. Its appearance makes more and more companies and industries become the focus of global attention. As the global energy market becomes more politically intertwined, policymakers face increasingly complex challenges. In China, renewable energy is developing rapidly, and it has made a huge contribution to basic energy. The growth of various renewable energy technologies, as well as the rapid development of energy storage, digital energy, and transportation electrification, has opened the global process of replacing traditional energy with new alternative energy. The development and utilization of renewable energy will improve energy security, environment, economy, machinery manufacturing, construction, transportation and industry, and help create new employment opportunities. Solar, wind and biomass energy meet local energy needs and help improve environmental protection. Conditions related to energy demand promote a huge market for renewable energy. Renewable energy has great development prospects in the management of different countries. In the future, the improvement of renewable energy, especially solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectric power technology will increase industrial efficiency, but it is necessary to pay attention to cost and time when using it. Efficiency issues. At the same time, many new industries have emerged from renewable energy, such as carbon trading. While improving the technology industry, it will also promote economic development. They are closely related. The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the renewable energy sector, which is the most promising and fastest growing energy sector in the world with significant investment and innovation potential, as well as the potential to reduce anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Achieving this goal involves the consistent solution of the following tasks: to study the issues of renewable energy in the theory of international relations; to consider renewable energy in solving global problems in the field of anthropogenic impact on the environment; determine the importance of renewable energy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; to analyze the role and place of renewable energy sources in the process of transformation of world energy; to study trends and prospects for the development of renewable energy in the world and in individual countries; describe the mechanisms relevant to China to support the development of energy based on renewable sources; identify prospects and constraints for the development of renewable energy in China; offer recommendations on the regulatory framework to support and encourage the use and development of RES in China and Ukraine; substantiate problems and solutions to achieve carbon neutrality in China. The object of research is the process of international development cooperation between Ukraine and China in the context of renewable energy. The subject of research is the structure, dynamics and prospects of development international cooperation between Ukraine and China.


Ключові слова

climate changes, energy security, economy, environment, зміна клімату, енергетична безпека, економіка, екологія

Бібліографічний опис

Chen Lin. Development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of alternative energy between Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China : master's thesis : 051 Economics / Chen Lin. - Kyiv, 2021. - 143 p.