Peculiarities of improving students' health by means of swimming





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НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова


The article analyzes the use of modern methods in the process of swimming classes to improve the physical condition of students of higher education. The effectiveness of systematic swimming lessons on improving health indicators of students was studied. A low level of health among students who lead a sedentary lifestyle was determined. The motivational aspects of the involvement of student youth in active swimming lessons have been determined. It was found that when teaching proper breathing in an unfamiliar environment for initial swimming lessons, it is recommended to spend up to 40% of the class time on breathing exercises, thus, students who are just learning to swim will more easily overcome the barrier of fear in the water environment. Thus, swimming lessons are shown with various health conditions for students of special medical groups. In addition-in the above recommendations, you can add add the following when mastering the skill of breathing in an unusual environment for initial swimming training. Early multi-level swimming programs are recommended for all children to help them overcome their fear of water, improve pool performance and improve swimming performance. This will eventually increase the percentage of adults who can swim. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for the classes of students with mild and severe disabilities. For this, it is necessary to adapt run swimming programs. The variety of aspects of physical training, the specifics and features of swimming represent the best pedagogical conditions for the development of emotional and volitional stability during classes in this type of pedagogical activity


Ключові слова

swimming, плавання, physical condition, фізичний стан, students, студенти, physical education, фізичне виховання, physical exercises, фізичні вправи

Бібліографічний опис

Dakal, N. A. Peculiarities of improving students' health by means of swimming / Dakal N. A. // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15. Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - 2023. - Випуск 2 (160). - С.16-18.
