Методика навчання англомовного професійно орієнтованого монологічного мовлення майбутніх фахівців у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктів

dc.contributor.authorТулякова, Катерина Робертівна
dc.description.abstractenThe scientific novelty of this research is that for the first time, the Methodology of teaching professional English to students of mediation and conflict resolution, through the «informative», «activity search» and «presentation» three-stage process, coupled with the use of exercises and tasks incorporating authentic video, has been theoretically proven, through the development and experimental testing of that methodology. This PhD thesis consists of: an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, references and appendix. A model to be used by mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution in the formation of their English language competence has been constructed and theoretically substantiated. The components of this model are a target group, content-based methodology, resultant content. The approaches and principles of forming professional English-language competence by mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution have been studied. The following competencies of students of mediation and conflict resolution have been selected for study: procedural, conflict resolution, legal, communicative. Approaches to teaching English to professionals have been reviewed. The main requirements of educational and vocational programs and international standards of education have been examined. As a result, the skills and competencies that need to be developed in mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution were identified in order to use English in their profession effectively. The criteria for selecting English-language teaching materials for mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution and the criteria for assessing English-language competency by mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution has been determined. The objective of this PhD thesis is to describe the methodology of teaching English-professionally oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution The subject of this PhD thesis is the methodology of teaching Englishprofessionally oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and 19 conflict resolution using language-conflicts modeling technology with authentic video materials. The purpose of the research is to analyze the problem scientifically and develop substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional training of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution through the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the author's proposed methodology. It aims to meet the following objectives: 1) to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional training of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution; to analyze modern approaches and requirements of educational programs for the teaching of English-professionally oriented spoken production (EPOSP) in order to create an effective algorithm for constructing EPOSP; 2) to investigate the nature and content of professional, to determine the structure and properties of professional English language development in order to define a monologue-description, monologue-thinking and monologue-persuasion as functional types of spoken English language development that are necessary in the professional activities of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution; 3) to choose approaches for the effective teaching English-professionally oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution; 4) to design a model of teaching EPOSP of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution for the construction of the EPOSP statement and to characterize its components; 5) to develop a set of exercises based on language-conflicts modeling technology with authentic video materials, to experimentally check the effectiveness of the developed methodology and to make methodological recommendations for its use. On the basis of the above, a theoretically grounded set of exercises in teaching English-professionally oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution has been created and presented. A detailed description of the procedures for preparing and conducting the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the teaching English-professionally oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution is presented. The results of the experiment have been analyzed and interpreted and their statistical processing has been presented. On the basis of the results obtained, recommendations on how to teach the English professionally-oriented spoken production of mono-lingual students of mediation and conflict resolution are provided.uk
dc.description.abstractukНаукова новизна дослідження полягає у тому, що у ньому вперше теоретично обґрунтовано, розроблено й експериментально перевірено методику навчання англомовного професійно орієнтованого монологічного мовлення майбутніх фахівців у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктів, яка реалізується впродовж трьох етапів (інформативний, діяльнісно-пошуковий та презентаційний), із застосуванням комплексу вправ і завдань, що передбачають використання технології комунікативно-конфліктного моделювання у поєднанні з автентичними відеоматеріалами. На підставі отриманих результатів сформульовано методичні рекомендації щодо навчання англомовного професійно орієнтованого монологічного мовлення майбутніх фахівців у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктів.uk
dc.format.page21 с.uk
dc.identifier.citationТулякова, К. Р. Методика навчання англомовного професійно орієнтованого монологічного мовлення майбутніх фахівців у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктів : автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. : 13.00.02 – теорія та методика навчання (германські мови) / Тулякова Катерина Робертівна. – Київ , 2020. ‒ 21 с.uk
dc.publisherКНУ імені Тараса Шевченкаuk
dc.subjectангломовне професійно орієнтоване монологічне мовленняuk
dc.subjectмайбутні фахівці у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктівuk
dc.subjectавтентичні відеоматеріалиuk
dc.subjectкомплекс вправuk
dc.subjectетапи навчанняuk
dc.subjectтехнологія комунікативно-конфліктного моделюванняuk
dc.subjectEnglish professionally-oriented spoken productionuk
dc.subjectfuture specialists in the field of mediation and conflict regulationuk
dc.subjectauthentic video materialsuk
dc.subjecttraining stagesuk
dc.subjectlanguage-conflicts modeling technologyuk
dc.titleМетодика навчання англомовного професійно орієнтованого монологічного мовлення майбутніх фахівців у сфері медіації та врегулювання конфліктівuk


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