Щодо залучення певних категорій осіб до соціальних робіт

dc.contributor.authorТихонюк, Ольга Володимирівна
dc.description.abstractenAccording to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every person has the right to work, to free choice of work, to just and favorable working conditions and to protection against unemployment (part 1 of article 23), while exercising their rights and freedoms, everyone can be subject only to such restrictions as are established by law solely for the purpose of ensuring due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for satisfying the fair demands of morality, public order, and general welfare in a democratic society (Part 2 of Art. 29); in turn, the current Constitution of Ukraine (Art. 43) proclaimed the principle of freedom of work - the free disposal of a person by his ability to work, the ability to freely earn his living, as well as freedom from forced labor (forced labor may not be under any circumstances, except in emergency situations, which is expressly provided by law; for example, military or alternative (non-military) service is not considered forced labor, or work or service performed by a person by a verdict or other court decision or in accordance with martial law and a state of emergency). Therefore, the involvement of employees in the performance of work should be carried out only in the event of their free expression of will; that is, an employee has the right to realize his ability to productive and creative work by concluding an employment contract (contract) with the employer [2, part 2 of Art. 21], and the employer has no right to require the employee to perform work, not stipulated by the employment contract [2, art. 31]. As part of this work, the following questions are explored: 1) what is the essence of social work (public work, socially useful work) and 2) such work is considered forced (compulsory) work, or is it necessary work (according to scientists, the necessary and compulsory labor combines external influence - the circumstances of the psychological, economic, legal etc. nature, which lead to activities in the form of labor; that is, whatever the work (necessary or forced), it must be done in connection with certain circumstances that do not always depend on the subject of legal relations [3]). Having studied the above issues, we came to the following conclusions: from the point of view of the current labor legislation of Ukraine, social work is nothing but necessary work performed by a person voluntarily, due to the awareness of its efficiency and utility, first of all, for it itself, since a person receives a monetary remuneration in accordance with the terms of a fixed-term employment contract in the form of wages for actually performed work in an amount that cannot be less than the official minimum wage on the day of employment; In addition, the participation of individuals in such jobs employers make entries to work books. Such work is determined by the following criteria: 1) are of a temporary nature, and permanent establishments and vacancies can not be used for their organization; 2) can be performed on a part-time basis; 3) have economic, social and environmental benefits for the region (performed in the interests of the territorial community); 4) provide temporary employment of the unemployed to work that does not require additional special, educational and qualification training; 5) such work does not have a risk to the lives of those who perform them. And from the point of view of the current administrative and criminal legislation of Ukraine, social work is both forced and compulsory labor performed by a person against his own will, with the threat of sanctions being applied by the body whose competence is the organization of labor; at the same time, public works are performed by the offender free of charge during his free time from work or study as compensation for the damage caused to the party affected by his actions or inactivity and community service is paid work, the funds from which are sent to pay off the debt (first of all, for child support), the specified work is performed by the offender only within the duration of the full working day.uk
dc.description.abstractukЗгідно Загальної декларації прав людини кожна людина має право на працю, на вільний вибір праці, на справедливі та сприятливі умови праці та на захист від безробіття (ч. 1 ст. 23), а під час здійснення своїх прав і свобод кожний має зазнавати тільки таких обмежень, які встановлені законом виключно з метою забезпечення належного визнання й поваги прав і свобод інших та задоволення справедливих вимог моралі, громадського порядку, загального добробуту в демократичному суспільстві (ч. 2 ст. 29); у свою чергу чинна Конституція України (ст. 43) проголосила принцип свободи праці — вільне розпоряджання людиною своєю здатністю до праці, можливість вільно заробляти собі на життя, а також свободу від примушування до праці (примусового залучення до праці не може бути н і за яких обставин, за винятком надзвичайних, що прямо передбачено законом). Отже, залучення працівників до виконання робіт має здійснюватися лише у випадку їх вільного волевиявлення.uk
dc.description.sponsorshipThe journal is published by the support of Society for Cultural and Scientific Progerss in Central and Eastern Europeuk
dc.format.pagerangeС. 47-51uk
dc.identifier.citationТихонюк, О. В. Щодо залучення певних категорій осіб до соціальних робіт / О. В. Тихонюк // Science and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2019. – VII (32), Issue 192. – P. 47–51.uk
dc.sourceScience and Education a New Dimension. Humanities and Social Sciences, VII(32), Issue 192, 2019 Feb.uk
dc.subjectпримусова працяuk
dc.subjectобов'язкова працяuk
dc.subjectнеобхідна працяuk
dc.subjectсоціальні роботиuk
dc.subjectгромадські роботиuk
dc.subjectсуспільно корисні роботиuk
dc.subjectпідходяща роботаuk
dc.subjectforced laboruk
dc.subjectcompulsory laboruk
dc.subjectnecessary labouruk
dc.subjectobligatory labouruk
dc.subjectsocial workuk
dc.subjectpublic worksuk
dc.subjectsocially useful worksuk
dc.subjectcommunity serviceuk
dc.subjectsuitable workuk
dc.titleЩодо залучення певних категорій осіб до соціальних робітuk
dc.title.alternativeAbout bringing certain categories of people to social workuk


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