International scientific and technical cooperation in the field of renewable energy on the basis of Industry 4.0
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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
The role of this study is to delve into the far-reaching impact of Industry 4.0 on global industrial development, with a particular focus on the close link between
manufacturing and energy use. Through SWOT analysis, we have identified the advantages of renewable energy use and consumption, as well as its extensive development potential and innovation capabilities. The combination of manufacturing and renewable energy helps to improve manufacturing efficiency, reduce production
costs, promote intelligent management, and achieve the integration of renewable energy and traditional energy. Under the "Paris Agreement" and the "Belt and Road"
policy, the analysis of international trade cooperation in renewable energy takes into account China's practical cooperation capacity in all aspects.
Subject of study: Processes of scientific cooperation, research and technical cooperation in the energy sector based on the concept of Industry 4.0 .
The scientific novelty of the work is in the context of the current severe global climate environment, this research shows its scientific innovation. It is based on the
Paris Agreement and the "One Belt, One Road" strategy to gradually convert traditional energy sources to renewable energy and improve the climate condition of the Earth by promoting the development of renewable energy, while seeking cooperation with international partners in the trade of renewable energy.
Ключові слова
international cooperation, renewable energy, China
Бібліографічний опис
Jiang Liyuan. International scientific and technical cooperation in the field of renewable energy on the basis of Industry 4.0 : master's thesis : 051 Economics / Jiang Liyuan. - Kyiv, 2023. - 83 p.