Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Interaction Between Strategic and Operational Management in Printing Companies




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Державний університет «Одеська політехніка»


The study confirms the key role played by information and communication technologies and business strategies in supporting the interaction between the strategic management and the operational management in a printing company. The overall conclusion is that the effective management of printing companies requires the integration of information and communication technologies with business strategies. In general, in order to improve business efficiency, optimise production processes and enhance product quality, the use of ICT in the management of printing companies plays an important role. The integration of human resources, customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning systems with the enterprise information management system allows the creation of a holistic and efficient management system that contributes to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals. Using such systems helps companies to be competitive, ensures optimising business processes and has a positive impact on their performance. Keywords: information and communication technologies, printing company, strategic and operational management, business processes, operational strategies, production reorientation, production stabilisation, full specialisation, production uniqueness, diversification, production modification.


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Бібліографічний опис

Makatora, A. V. Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Interaction Between Strategic and Operational Management in Printing Companies / A. V. Makatora, D. A. Makatora, M. А. Zenkin, R. A. Kubanov // Економіка: реалії часу. Науковий журнал. – 2024. – № 4 (74). – С. 47-61.
