Analysis of the success of business models of ukrainian companies on the european market using the example of international companies




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


The article examines aspects of the success of business models of Ukrainian enterprises on the European market. Through the prism of the analysis of successful exits and failures of Ukrainian companies, such as Grammarly, AgroPharm, Aurora, etc., the key factors that determine competitiveness at the international level are highlighted. The purpose of the article was to con-sider approaches to the definition of the concept of "business model" and to analyse the success of business models of Ukrainian enterprises in the European market through the prism of this. The economic, technological and international aspects of the success of business models of enterprises are considered. The analysis of cases of Ukrainian enterprises entering the European market allowed us to identify the key success factors during such an exit, revealing the importance of product quality, strategic marketing, social responsibility and flexibility in interaction with different cultural and economic conditions. The general conclusion emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to entering the European market and constant improvement of strategies to ensure sustainable success in the global business environment.


Ключові слова

міжнародний бізнес, європейський ринок, українські підприємства, бізнес-модель, глобалізація, соціальна відповідальність, стратегічне планування, статистичний аналіз, культурні відмінності, міжнародні стратегії, економічна адаптація, international business, European market, Ukrainian enterprises, business model, globalization, social responsibility, strategic planning, statistical analysis, cultural differences, international strategies, economic adaptation

Бібліографічний опис

Gavrysh, Iu. Analysis of the success of business models of ukrainian companies on the european market using the example of international companies / Gavrysh Iuliia, Zozulov Oleksandr, Symonenko Anzhela // Економічний вісник НТУУ «КПІ» : збірник наукових праць. – 2024. – № 29. – C. 28-35. – Бібліогр.: 22 назви.
