Діяльність Західноукраїнського товариства Ліги Націй у 1922–1924 рр.

dc.contributor.authorСоляр, І.
dc.contributor.authorКрасівський, О.
dc.contributor.authorМуравський, О.
dc.description.abstractenAfter the end of the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918–1919), the Polish state incorporated the territory of Galicia. However, the status of the acquired lands was a subject of international debate. The article analyses the diplomatic activity of the West Ukrainian Society of the League of Nations (ZUTLN). The emigrant government of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (ZUNR) initiated it in the early 1920s to defend the rights of Ukrainians for their own country. The text focuses on the effectiveness of the governing bodies of ZUTLN, as well as their methods in the international arena. ZUTLN attempted to reshape the League of Nations from the union of the winning WWI states into the union of nations based on the genuine democratic foundations with an equal voice in resolving critical geopolitical issues. The initial efforts of the society’s leaders (the presidium) were aimed at keeping alive the «Ukrainian issue,» namely proving the rights of the Galician Ukrainians to its own state after the end of the Polish-Ukrainian war. With the main stages in the activities of ZUTLN identified, the emphasis was made on the significant state-forming role of the society leaders. Roman Perfetskyi, Ernest Brighter, Osyp Nazaruk, Illya Semak, Kyryl Tryliovskyi, Oleksandr Maritchak, Josaphat Jean, Aytal Zitoshynskyi promoted the idea of the rights of nations to self-determination, own statehood and independence. They expressed their demand for the unification of the lands of the Eastern Galicia, Chełm, Volyn, and Pidlyashshya (captured by Poland), as well as the northwest Bukovyna (occupied by Romania), in the restored Ukrainian state. International activities of ZUTLN would have been impossible without close cooperation with the ZUNR government, members of the Ukrainian parliamentary, state-oriented political parties of Western Ukraine, primarily national democrats and radicals. These people supported the society financially and morally, provided expert and analytical conclusions for the notes of protest, corresponded diplomatic appeals to the governments and parliaments of the world nations — the relationship between the President of ZUTLN R. Perfetskyi with Ye. Petrushevych, K. Levytskyi, as well as other well-known Ukrainian politicians and diplomats, yielded some positive results. Representatives of ZUTLN raised particularly acute questions of the Ukrainian statehood restoration at the meetings of the Union of Societies of the League of Nations (STLN), which the society became part of in 1922. At the meetings of the Main Board of STLN (1922–1923), thanks to the leading members of the Organization, the problem of eastern Galicia was discussed repeatedly. The drafts of resolutions demanded the Entente countries fulfill all the obligations regarding Eastern Galicia. There were also demands for the «restoration of independence of the ZUNR» and «ceasing occupation», and subsequently the prohibition of conducting elections in Eastern Galicia. A turning point in the ZUTLN was the Decision of the Council of Ambassadors dated March 14, 1923, on the transfer of the Western Ukrainian lands to the Second Polish Republic. It radicalized the issue of Western Ukraine, still relevant in European politics. The attempts by ZUTLN to suspend the process of ratification by the parliaments of European countries did not yield any results. Attempts by members of the society to move their center to Lviv were also unsuccessful due to the obstacles from the Polish authorities. It was proved that de facto, the society functioned until 1927, but its role in the domestic/international arena reduced to a minimum.uk
dc.description.abstractukЗахідноукраїнське товариство Ліги Націй (ЗУТЛН) — одна з провідних еміграційних організаційних структур західноукраїнських політичних діячів, створених з метою розширити вплив на міжнародному рівні екзильного уряду ЗУНР для вирішення проблеми державного статусу Східної Галичини. Проаналізовано дипломатичну діяльність ЗУТЛН з ініціативи емігрантського уряду Західноукраїнської Народної Республіки (ЗУНР) на початку 1920-х р. У статті вперше в українській історіографії розглянуто реакцію галицького політикуму на підсумкові ухвали Ліонської конференції (1924) та діяльність українських представників на міжнародному форумі. Перспективний напрям подальших досліджень — аналіз відносин ЗУТЛН із УНТП, іншими політичними партіями Галичини та екзильним урядом ЗУНР.uk
dc.format.pagerangeС. 105-121uk
dc.identifier.citationСоляр, І. Діяльність Західноукраїнського товариства Ліги Націй у 1922–1924 рр. / І. Соляр, О. Красівський, О. Муравський // Сторінки історії : збірник наукових праць. – 2019. – Вип. 49. – С. 105-121.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.sourceСторінки історії : збірник наукових праць, Вип. 49uk
dc.subjectЗахідноукраїнське товариство Ліги Наційuk
dc.subjectСоюз Товариств Ліги Наційuk
dc.subjectЗахідноукраїнська Народна Республікаuk
dc.subjectеміграційний урядuk
dc.subjectЛіонська конференціяuk
dc.subjectСхідна Галичинаuk
dc.subjectПольська державаuk
dc.subjectWest Ukrainian Society of the League of Nationsuk
dc.subjectUnion of Societies of the League of Nationsuk
dc.subjectWestern Ukrainian People’s Republicuk
dc.subjectemigrant governmentuk
dc.subjectConference in Lyonuk
dc.subjectEastern Galiciauk
dc.subjectState of Polanduk
dc.titleДіяльність Західноукраїнського товариства Ліги Націй у 1922–1924 рр.uk


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