Hyperchaos in Oscillating Systems with Limited Excitation




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Springer, Cham


The oscillating systems of a pendulum type, nonideal in the sense of Sommerfeld-Kononenko are considered. Such systems are used for modeling oscillations in hydrodynamics, shell theory and other applications. The complex scenario of transition to the hyperchaos is revealed and described in details. Revealed scenario begins with symmetric limit cycles and ends with a transition to hyperchaos through generalized intermittency with two coarse grained laminar phases. This scenario is illustrated in detail by projections of phase portraits, Poincaré sections and other characteristics of attractors of the system.


Ключові слова

Limited excitation, Chaotic and hyperchaotic attractor, Poincaré section, Scenario of transition to chaos

Бібліографічний опис

Shvets, A. Hyperchaos in Oscillating Systems with Limited Excitation / A. Shvets, V. Sirenko // 11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Springer Proceedings in Complexity / Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. - Springer, Cham, 2019. - P. 265-273.