Маніпуляція в мовленнєвій комунікації
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In the monograph, from the standpoint of the orthodox-alternative approach of monistic dialectics, the authors outline the elements of conceptual synergistic foundations that serve for the present-day scientific description of a number of manipulation phenomena taking place in communication. The monograph presents the following results of a scientific search: the content-based matrix analysis of existing definitions of what speech manipulation is; methodology and algorithm for formulating the goal of manipulation; modelling the processes of generation and decoding of the manipulative influence essence; analysis of the system of strategies, tactics, and means conveying manipulative influence; substantiation of the mega-classification of the interlocutors’ instincts, emotions, and feelings; modelling the mechanism of manipulative effect in communication; description of the speaker’s / recipient’s psychophysiological energy fluctuation. The monograph is intended for professional researchers in various fields of cognitive studies as well as for lecturers, students of the second (master’s) and third (PhD) levels of higher education and their academic supervisors.
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Бібліографічний опис
Калита, А. А. Маніпуляція в мовленнєвій комунікації [Електронний ресурс] : монографія / А. А. Калита, О. В. Клименюк, Л. І. Тараненко ; [КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського]. – Електронні текстові дані (1 файл: 5,46 Мбайт). – Київ : Тропеа, 2024. – 184 с. – Назва з екрана.