Некоторые подходы к оценке эффективности космической деятельности




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


One of the most important high-tech domestic industries is definitely space industry, which combines science, high technology, technology, economics, production, management and other components. The activity of this industry includes scientific space exploration, the creation and use of space technology, the use of outer space and the evaluation of such activities effectiveness. Particular attention should be paid to assessing effectiveness as the universal socio-economic category characterizing cause and effect relationships and the cost / outcome relationships. Qualitative and quantitative performance criteria are collapsed into an integrated assessment. The results of the performance evaluation should be used to plan and regulate space activities for public development. Some directions of space activity are considered from the point of view of their efficiency estimation, possible results of space technologies use for priority national problems solving, for example: economic development, conservation and development of scientific and technical potential, environmental issues. Possible approaches for effectiveness evaluation of the space projects implementation are presented. In order to evaluate such efficiency, it is important to consider the following points: - the purpose of the work is the main content of the work (formulation of the main tasks of the research, expected results and technical characteristics of the created devices, materials, etc.) and implementation possibilities evaluation; - presence of a backlog (results of previous research and development), level of continuity; - work distribution into stages; - scientific, technical and commercial value of the results of work; - stages of development (scientific program, advance project, sketch project, development of design documentation, preparation of production, manufacture, testing, implementation, operation, processing and use of results); - adjusting of technical requirements substantiated due to various reasons (scientific, technical, financial, etc.) and, accordingly, changes of the work performance terms in comparison with previously adopted ones in the schedule; - breach of the obligations by the co-executors; - force majeure and a number of other provisions.


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Бібліографічний опис

Камелин, А. Б. Некоторые подходы к оценке эффективности космической деятельности / А. Б. Камелин, В. Г. Лукомский // Інформаційні системи, механіка та керування : науково-технічний збірник. – 2019. – Вип. 21. – С. 127-135. – Бібліогр.: 8 назв.