Проєктування інтегрального аналогового компаратора для вимірювальних пристроїв

dc.contributor.advisorВунтесмері, Юрій Володимирович
dc.contributor.authorБалута, Тетяна Олексіївна
dc.description.abstractДана дипломна робота сфокусована на розробці аналогового компаратора за технологією комплементарного польового транзистору (метал – оксид – напівпровідник). Даний компаратор є частиною розробки мікросхеми, яку можна використовувати у медичних приладах, наприклад в електрометричних інтегруючих сенсорах. Розробка компаратора була виконана у середовищі Cadence, з використанням наявних функції та інструментів, які дозволяють оцінити роботи схеми в усіх можливих станах та розробити топологічне креслення відповідно до обраної технології, а також перевірити якість роботи. Доступ до цього середовища, інформаційні матеріали за темою надала компанія UkrSemi. Спеціалісти компанії поділилися досвідом розробки таких мікросхем, який і був використаний у цій роботі, тому розроблена схема є якісною та перевіреною професійними дизайнерами і топологами даної компанії. Похибка компарування в умовах експериментальних досліджень не перевищує 1мА, що дає змогу гарантувати похибку в 50мА при умовах реальної роботи. Цей компаратор є досить швидкісним, максимальний час перемикання складає 69нс, що на 30нс менше необхідних параметрів.uk
dc.description.abstractotherThe comparator is the main component, which is mainly used in analog-to- digital converters. Ideally, it generates an output logic signal as an instantaneous response to the analog input signal (voltage or current). Evidently, the real scheme does not allow to achieve an ideal function. The most important limitations are ultimate sensitivity, displacement, and ultimate velocity. All of the limitations above affect the performance of systems where comparators are used, especially when it is required to achieve high speed (or high conversion factor) and high resolution. An analog designer must know well how to deal with various design issues properly. In this work, the object of the development is an analog comparator that uses complementary metal-oxid-semiconductor technology (MOS/MOSFEET). This comparator is a part of the development of a chip that can be used in medical devices, such as electrometric integrating sensors. Therefore, all external characteristics are designed specifically for medical use: the appropriate temperature range, low power consumption, minimum size. The comparator was developed in the Cadence environment, where the available functions and tools were used to evaluate the operation of the circuit in all possible states and to develop a topological drawing according to the selected technology, as well as to check the quality of work. Cadence is designed to help users build robust designs. The Cadence analog design environment Virtuoso is an advanced design and modeling environment for the Virtuoso platform. This provides designers with an access to the new evaluation and comparative flow and optimization algorithms that help to align designs better in order to improve the enhanced compliance and sensitivity analysis. By providing extensive study of multiple designs according to their objective specifications, the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment sets the standard for the fast and accurate design verification. Access to this environment and information materials on the topic was provided by UkrSemi. The experience of developing such chips, shared by the company’s leading specialists, was used in this work, that is why the developed scheme can be considered high quality and verified by professional designers and topologists of this company. During the work, a comparator measuring 234.7 by 86.4 m was implemented without taking into account the additional unit. As a result, the comparison error does not exceed 786 V, which allows to guarantee an error of 50 mA under real operating conditions. This comparator is quite fast, the maximum switching time is 69ns, which is 30ns less than the required parameters. The speed and low power consumption of the developed comparator was achieved due to the selection of an optimal technology, that can be considered an innovation in the development of the chips process. The main force was the scaling of the device, as it continued to improve the speed of the MOSFET. The natural speed of MOS transistors has increased by more than three orders of magnitude over the last 30 years, becoming comparable to the speed of bipolar devices, although the latter have also been scalable. During the development of the scheme, all measures necessary to ensure its long operation were taken. Over time, due to the flow of electric current, metal connections on the topology have a probability of rupture. It is proved that there is a dependence of line thickness and current strength with the time of rupture. When designing the chip, the required line thickness is calculated according to the current to ensure the operation of the chip for 10 years. Also, when designing a topological drawing, at least two contacts between the metals or the gate should be used in case of manufacturing errors. The scheme is designed taking into account the discrepancies. A check was made in the corner analysis to see if the scheme was undergoing an analysis that simulated a discrepancy. Non-compliance is a process that causes time-independent random changes in the physical quantities of identically designed devices. The mismatch is a limiting factor in the processing of general purpose analog signals, but especially in multiplex analog systems, digital-to-analog converters, reference sources and the like. In digital circuits, matching can also be important, for example, in digital memory read and write circuits, and even within the static cell voltage of RAM. The effect of MOS transistor matching becomes more important as the size of the devices decreases and the oscillation of the available signal decreases. Despite the generally accepted importance of compliance, there are only a limited number of specialized open literature contributions in this area. In general, the comparator circuit was developed on 47 transistors. The designed analog comparator corresponds to the technical task. The whole stage of development and adjustment of the comparator took place in the range of input voltages and power supply, given the technical task. The verification of the result of the comparator and the calculation of the parameters are at the level of the specified output voltages. That is 90% of the input voltage level for the high level and 10% for the low. The rate of increase of the input signal is also set during the configuration of the type of analysis. The output loads in the analysis of the circuit are simulated by connecting the corresponding elements to the output of the comparator. Dummy transistors were added to the circuit, which do not affect the operation of the comparator and does not matter in the comparison function. These transistors are essential to the development of topological drawings as buffer terminal transistors in the construction of a circuit of transistors. According to the research, transistors that are located at the ends of the working areas are more likely to get flaws in the manufacture of chips. To ensure the operation of the comparator, even with power noise, additional transistors were included, that act as capacitors to improve the operation of the circuit and ensure normal functioning in the operating temperature range. Such capacitors block the variable part of the feedback. The "Allow" function has also been added. This function is implemented on transistors that act as a key. When a logic unit for n-type and logic zero for p-type is applied to the shutter, the transistor is open and the circuit operates in normal mode. Otherwise, the transistors close and the circuit does not perform its function. The results of the analyses performed prove that the developed comparator fully meets the technical task. Graphs of dependence of the main parameters of the comparator on temperature, supply voltage and time were also given. This reflects the quality of the developed comparator, its compliance with the technical task and sensitivity to changes in external factors. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of following the recommendations for the operation of chips or devices, because exceeding the allowable supply voltage or operating temperature can lead to increased error or even decommissioning. Today, the comparator, as an electrical device, is widely used in many chips, devices, such as analog-to-digital converters, without which no computer can exist. In modern control systems for various processes, including technological, analog devices usually provide the readout of primary information from the sensors of the control system of actuators and mechanisms. The control of the process itself in accordance with the algorithm program is performed by digital devices. The interaction between the analog part of the system and digital (conversion of information from analog to digital and vice versa) is provided by the digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters. Comparators play a significant role in analog-to-digital conversion The main task of the comparator is to digitize the analog signal. For example, to establish the linkage between the continuous voltage signal and the logic function of digital devices. With the help of a comparator one can implement the thermostats, automatics, stabilizers or sensors (thermistors, photoresistors, moisture sensors, etc.). The comparator is an integral and necessary part to fulfill the medical direction of the future electrometric sensor on its own chip. The implementation of such comparator with complementary metal-oxid-semiconductor technology is illustrated in this thesis.uk
dc.format.extent96 с.uk
dc.identifier.citationБалута, Т. О. Проєктування інтегрального аналогового компаратора для вимірювальних пристроїв : дипломна робота … бакалавра : 153 Мікро- та наносистемна техніка / Балута Тетяна Олексіївна. – Київ, 2021. – 96 с.uk
dc.publisherКПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорськогоuk
dc.subjectаналоговий компараторuk
dc.subjectрозробка мікросхемиuk
dc.titleПроєктування інтегрального аналогового компаратора для вимірювальних пристроївuk
dc.typeBachelor Thesisuk


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