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Перегляд Статті (МАПВ) за Автор "Bielova, Alla"
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Документ Відкритий доступ The labor market of ukraine in the conditions of martial law(Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, 2022-09-25) Bielova, Alla; Koval, Svetlana; Kochedykova, Alоna; Zhuravska, Nataliia; Makatora, DmytroAs a result of the martial law in Ukraine, the labor market is currently in a dynamic crisis. Many people have lost their jobs and are forced to change the type of activity. New needs have emerged: the country needs to be rebuilt. Although the situation begins to stabilize gradually, because the business adapts and begins to work, but the war is ongoing, so it is a difficult task to predict the further development of the labor market today. It can be said unambiguously that in the general form in the labor market of Ukraine has already taken place and continue to take place dramatic changes related to the forced closure of many enterprises and, as a consequence, the dismissal of employees, mainly in the territories where active fighting is conducted. Positive phenomena are social governmental support for business and employees, relaxation of part of the enterprises, that is, their movement to safe regions, reorientation to the consumer market, expansion of capacity by meeting military and civilian needs, etc. What professions will need the labor market after the war, it is difficult to predict, but it is logical to assume that these will be specialists in the field of service, construction, medicine, logistics, IT, agrarian sector. All these specialties are divided, in turn, by many sub-category, which can in the future become a separate required activity.