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Перегляд Статті (МАПВ) за Автор "Dmytro Makatora"
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Документ Відкритий доступ Ensuring the economic and environmental development of the architecture and construction industry: theoretical concepts and applied development paths(Кременчуцький національний університет імені Михайла Остроградського, 2023) Oleksii Yashchenko; Dmytro Makatora; Ruslan KubanovIn order to ensure the sustainable development of the architecture and construction industry, the economy and the state as a whole, it has been proven that it is necessary to develop environmental awareness. Environmental awareness contributes to the preservation of natural resources, the solution of environmental problems, the promotion of innovation and the strengthening of competitiveness. It is only through the combination of environmental principles and effective management strategies that we can create a future that is beneficial to both our economy and nature. The study aims to define theoretical concepts and applied ways of economic and environmental development of architecture and construction. The main idea of the economic efficiency of architecture and construction consists in promoting the construction and reconstruction of architectural objects through the introduction of cost-effective technologies and solutions. This includes using alternative energy sources, energy-efficient materials and heating and cooling systems, and rationalising space to optimise usage. Such measures will bring economic benefits to owners and occupiers of buildings by reducing energy consumption and energy costs. There will also be a positive impact on the environment through the reduction of carbon emissions and other pollutants. The “passive house” concept is the subject of analysis. It is noted that there has been a significant increase in interest in the construction of passive houses from secondary materials such as concrete, glass and metal. In Germany, in particular, there are special plants that process this type of waste and use it for the production of building materials for energy-efficient houses. According to the authors, systemic factors need to be considered when designing economic, organisational and technological support for installing energy-efficient buildings. The energy-economic model of energy consumption in the construction and operation of building structures includes the following important factors: natural and climatic factors, which determine the environmental suitability of the area and the energy costs for maintaining sanitary and hygienic parameters in the building premises; microclimate, which depends on the optimal thermal, air and light conditions created by the enclosing structures. The conclusions state that the efficient use of limited resources and the use of environmentally friendly technologies are at the heart of the economic approach to sustainable development. This includes optimising how raw materials get extracted and processed, creating environmentally friendly products and waste management. An integrated approach and cooperation between all stakeholders – government, companies, organisations and the public – is needed to ensure the economic and environmental development of the architecture and construction industry. Modernising processes and using innovative technologies is one of the ways to achieve this goal. This will ensure sustainable industry growth, efficient use of natural resources and balanced social development.