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У зібранні розміщено матеріали, що опубліковані або готуються до публікації в наукових журналах та збірниках.
Перегляд Статті (МАПВ) за Автор "Lytvyn, Oleg"
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Документ Відкритий доступ An innovative mechanism for managing the development of advertising content on educational platforms(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2022) Makatora, Dmytro; Lytvyn, Oleg; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Литвин, Олег Андрійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола АнатолійовичThe current situation with the quarantine regime and measures aimed at combating COVID-19 has led to the intensification of the development of educational platforms by the private and public sectors, as well as scientific and public ones. The purpose of the academic paper lies in studying the features of the innovative management mechanism for developing advertising content on educational platforms. Methodology. The present research uses content analysis and statistical analysis to investigate the market of educational platforms and the services they offer. The research was conducted based on the content analysis of educational platforms. The authors studied the content structure, basic channels, methods, and tools for promoting educational platforms. Results. Digital technologies are a decisive factor in the success and promotion of advertising content of educational platforms, which, under the condition of their optimal combination, provides significant competitive advantages. Digital marketing of educational platforms is a comprehensive approach to promoting services, its products in the digital environment and it also covers offline consumers. Digital marketing makes it possible to integrate numerous technologies for content promotion (social, mobile, web, CRM systems, etc.) with sales and customer service, ensuring constant high-quality communication between the advertiser and the end users of educational services. Digital marketing is based on analyzing data about users, their behavior, penetrating traditional types of communications and ensuring the achievement of the target audience. Digital marketing involves personalization, which strengthens the impact of marketing tools on the target audience – users of educational services.