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Документ Відкритий доступ A literature review of abstractive summarization methods(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Shypik, D. V.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ A novel approach to remote sensing of vegetation(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2005) Bidyuk, P. I.; Litvinenko, V. I.; Ponomarenko, S. O.The problem of remote estimation of chlorophyll content in vegetation is considered. Some reflectance spectra have been recorded for winter wheat leaves with various level of chlorophyll concentration. To reduce the level of noise in the measurement data produced by measuring system and possible influence of soil surface smoothing procedure proposed by Savitzky and Golay was applied. The 1st derivative of reflectance spectra curves had been computed and analyzed with respect to correlation with pigment content. To compute an estimate of chlorophyll content multiple regression as well as neural net approach have been applied and both proved to be successful.Документ Відкритий доступ Adaptive Short-Term Forecasting of Selected Financial Processes(НТУУ "КПІ", 2014) Bidyuk, P. I.; Konovalyuk, M. M.; Kuznetsova, N. V.; Pudlo, I. V.; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Коновалюк, М. М.; Кузнєцова, Н. В.; Пудло, І. В.; Бидюк, Петр Иванович; Коновалюк, М. М.; Кузнецова, Н. В.; Пудло, И. В.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of negative flow of gravitational waves(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ Bayesian modelling of risks of various origin(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Kuznietsova, N. V.; Trofymchuk, O. M.; Bidyuk, P. I.; Terentiev, O. M.; Levenchuk, L. B.Background. Financial as well as many other types of risks are inherent to all types of human activities. The problem is to construct adequate mathematical description for the formal representation of risks selected and to use it for possible loss estimation and forecasting. The loss estimation can be based upon processing available data and relevant expert estimates characterizing history and current state of the processes considered. An appropriate instrumentation for modelling and estimating risks of possible losses provides probabilistic approach including Bayesian techniques known today as Bayesian programming methodology. Objective. The purpose of the paper is to perform overview of some Bayesian data processing methods providing a possibility for constructing models of financial risks selected. To use statistical data to develop a new model of Bayesian type so that to describe formally operational risk that can occur in the information processing procedures. Methods. The methods used for data processing and model constructing refer to Bayesian programming methodology. Also Bayes theorem was directly applied to operational risk assessment in its formulation for discrete events and discrete parameters. Results. The proposed approach to modelling was applied to building a model of operational risk associated with incorrect information processing. To construct and apply the model to risk estimation the risk problem was analysed, appropriate variables were selected, and prior conditional probabilities were estimated. Functioning of the models con structed was demonstrated with illustrative examples. Conclusions. Modelling and estimating financial and other type of risks is important practical problem that can be solved using the methodology of Bayesian programming providing the possibility for identification and taking into consideration uncertainties of data and expert estimates. The risk model constructed with the methodology proposed illustrates the possibilities of applying the Bayesian methods to solving the risk estimation problems.Документ Відкритий доступ Business Intelligence Techniques for Missing Data Imputations(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Kuznietsova, N. V.; Bidyuk, P. I.; Кузнєцова, Наталія Володимирівна; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Кузнецова, Н. В.; Бидюк, Петр ИвановичДокумент Відкритий доступ Calculating energy density and spin momentum density of Moon’s gravitational waves in rectilinear coordinates(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ Effective implementation of the EM-algorithm using GPGPU(НТУУ "КПІ", 2013) Kasitskyj, O. V.; Bidyuk, P. I.; Korshevnyuk, L. A.; Касіцький, О. В.; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Коршевнюк, Л. О.; Касицкий, А. В.; Бидюк, Петр Иванович; Коршевнюк, Л. А.Документ Відкритий доступ Empirical analysis of moon’s gravitational wave and earth’s global warming(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018) Matsuki, Yoshio; Bidyuk, P. I.This research examines a possibility of a disturbance by Moon’s gravitational wave to the Earth’s global warming process in comparison with the increase of global volume of carbon dioxide. Because the general theory of relativity that predicts the gravitational wave of a planet has a dimension of 1/(distance)2, we analyzed the data sets of global temperature and global carbon dioxide, with this dimension of gravitational wave using Least Squares Estimation of Linear Classical Regression Model, Generalized Classical Regression Model, and Nonlinear Regression Model. The results suggest that there is a disturbance to the process of global warming by the Moon’s gravitational wave. However, there is uncertainty for this conclusion because the Moon’s rotational movement around Earth gives different type of distributions of its sample data, while global temperature and carbon dioxide increase proportionally accordingly to available time-series.Документ Відкритий доступ Estimation of the parameters of generalized linear models in the analysis of actuarial risks(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Panibratov, R. S.; Bidyuk, P. I.Abstract. Methods of estimating the parameters of generalized linear models for the case of paying insurance premiums to clients are considered. The iterative-recursive weighted least squares method, the Adam optimization algorithm, and the Monte Carlo method for Markov chains were implemented. Insurance indicators and the target variable were randomly generated due to the problem of public access to insurance data. For the latter, the normal and exponential law of distribution and the Pareto distribution with the corresponding link functions were used. Based on the quality metrics of model learning, conclusions were made regarding their construction quality.Документ Відкритий доступ Expected effect of environmental investment on market share of oil company(Політехніка, 2015) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.; Danylov, V. J.; Yevtushenko, K. I.; Мацукі, Йошіо; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Данилов, Валерій Якович; Євтушенко, Катерина Ігорівна; Мацуки, Й.; Бидюк, Петр Иванович; Данилов, В. Я.; Евтушенко, К. И.Документ Відкритий доступ Forecasting consumer price index in Ukraine with regression models and adaptive Kalman filter(Політехніка, 2015) Karayuz, І. V.; Bidyuk, P. I.; Караюз, Ірина Валентинівна; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Караюз, Ирина Валентиновна; Бидюк, Петр ИвановичДокумент Відкритий доступ Methodological aspects of operative control system intellectualization for dynamic objects(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Melnykov, S. V.; Malezhyk, P. M.; Gasanov, A. S.; Bidyuk, P. I.The problems of intelligent control system organization are considered: determining the number of intellectualization levels, the sequence of actions required for analysis of the control process, adding to the control system new elements providing for enhancement degree of its intellectualization, special features of its structural organization, estimating the possibilities of intellectualization, providing examples of practical intellectualization. The primary purpose of the study is to determine the purposeful organization of intelligent control systems as well as the necessity and usefulness of systemic consideration that takes into consideration the following: requirements of the problem statement, characteristics of the environment, means for acquiring and processing necessary information, working control mechanisms, functional characteristics and experience of user-operator. As a result of the analysis performed, characteristic levels of the intellectual development of a system were determined, the stages of performing intellectualization of a control system were proposed, and the effectiveness of proposed solutions for practical problems was shown.Документ Відкритий доступ Methodology of Modeling and Forecasting Nonlinear Processes in Finances(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018) Bidyuk, P. I.; Overmyer, S. P.; Prosyankina-Zharova, T. I.; Terentiev, O. M.; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Овермайєр, С.; Просянкіна-Жарова, Т. І.; Терентьєв, О. М.; Бидюк, Петр Иванович; Овермайер, С.; Просянкина-Жарова, Т. И.; Терентьев, А. Н.Документ Відкритий доступ Modeling and Forecasting Financial and Economic Processes with Decision Support System(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Bidyuk, P. I.; Korshevnyuk, L. O.; Prosyankina-Zharova, T. I.; Gozhyj, O. P.; Kalinina, I. O.; Terentiev, O. M.Документ Відкритий доступ Numerical simulation of gravitational waves from a black hole, using curvature tensors(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ Short-Term Forecasting of Macroeconomic Processes with Regression and Probabilistic Models(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Bidyuk, P. I.; Trofymchuk, O. M.; Karayuz, I. V.; Бідюк, Петро Іванович; Трофимчук, Олександр Миколайович; Караюз, Ірина Валентинівна; Бидюк, Петр Иванович; Трофимчук, Александр Николаевич; Караюз, Ирина ВалентиновнаДокумент Відкритий доступ Simulating angular momentum of gravitational field of a rotating black hole and spin momentum of gravitational waves(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ Simulating the rotation of a black hole and antigravity(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.Документ Відкритий доступ Simulation of a rotating strong gravity that reverses time(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Matsuki, Y.; Bidyuk, P. I.