Факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики (ФЕА)
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Документ Відкритий доступ Adaptive control of the interior permanent magnet synchronous motors(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2020) Rodkin, Dmytro Illich; Peresada, SergiyThesis contains: pages – 117, drawings – 38, tables – 23. The goal of the of the thesis lies in development of the control methods of the IPMSM with the purpose of its research and improvement of efficiency and performance of the electromechanical system. In this thesis, analytical review of the inductance determination methods for the IPMSM is presented. After that two tests for inductance determination of the interior permanent magnet synchronous motors are proposed, analyzed and experimentally verified. Four methods are proposed to use to obtain static and dynamic inductances from the tests data. Speed and position control algorithms are derived basing on the non saturated model of the motor and its effectiveness was researched by means of experiment and simulation for small saturated motors. After that position control algorithm with adaptation to the mechanical parameters is designed and tested via simulation. Stability is proved using the second Lyapunov method. Derived algorithms provide asymptotic tracking of the controlled coordinates, and decoupling of the direct current component and mechanic coordinate control subsystems.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of theoretical and experimental studies of the Huber effect(2017) Silvestrov, A. M.; Zimenkov, D. K.Документ Відкритий доступ Automatic control system of the direct photolithography writer with an autofocus algorithm(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2023) Isyp, Mykhailo Oleksandrovych; Peresada, SergiyThe thesis contains 95 pages, of them 75 – the main text, 45 figures, and 8 tables. The main purpose of the project is to develop an automatic focus control system for the direct lithography writing tool. Motivation lies in making such instrumentation more available for research laboratories. In the beginning, an analytical review of the current state microlithography technologies is made. Consequently, direct lithography writing is selected as the most effective method for microfabrication in the research area. Then, the main requirements for lithographic processes of direct writer systems are described, and the tool’s design is proposed. The direct lithography writer system is developed based on an open-source microscopy project, namely the OpenFlexure Microscope. The design's mechanical, optical, electrical, and computation subsystems are described, and modifications required for the lithography are applied. In addition, the device's mechanical properties are determined by calculations and measurements. The autofocus control problem is formulated following the proposed direct lithography writer design. The system with the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor is investigated by simulating the focus control model in MatLab/Simulink. For better performance, the RSF-8B-30 servomotor is proposed as an alternative, succeeding in accuracy and speed increasing for the focus control.Документ Відкритий доступ Bachelor pre-diploma practice of Electromechanics department(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Реуцький, Микола Олександрович; Шиманська, Анна Анатоліївна; Дубчак, Євген МихайловичДокумент Відкритий доступ Bases of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Direct current circuits: Lecture notes(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2019) Povoroznyuk, N. I.; Biletskyi, O. O.The discipline "Bases of electrical engineering and electronics" is included in the cycle of professional and practical training. Subject of the discipline "Bases of electrical engineering and electronics" are electromagnetic phenomena and their use for solving the problems of electromechanics, electrotechnology, electronics, electrical measuring equipment. Interdisciplinary connections: the study of discipline is based on the knowledge gained from the courses of physics (sections: electricity and magnetism) and higher mathematics (sections: matrix algebra, differential equations, theory of functions of a complex variable, numerical methods of solving algebraic and differential equations). In turn, the discipline "Bases of electrical engineering and electronics" provides students with the theoretical and practical training necessary for the mastering of the following disciplines, which study the automation of production processes, circuit engineering of computerized systems; laser technology and equipment, electronics multimedia editions technology.Документ Відкритий доступ Calculation and graphic work of the «Modeling of electromechanical systems» discipline(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2021-05) Shynkarenko, Vasyl; Shymanska, Anna; Kotliarova, VictoriaДокумент Відкритий доступ Design of a multilink system for calculating high-frequency processes in electric machines with mesh windings(TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC, 2023-09-20) Chumack, Vadim; Kovalenko, Mykhailo; Tymoshchuk, Oksana; Stulishenko, Andrii; Ihnatiuk, YevhenThis study considers the design of a multi-link high-frequency circuit for calculating defective and defect-free insulation of mesh windings in order to increase the operational reliability of general-purpose electric machines. The object of research is mesh windings of electric machines. The problem to be solved: increasing the operational reliability of electric machines with general-purpose mesh windings by analyzing and modeling defects. The research results make it possible to model defects for the analysis of the state of insulation of electric machines with mesh windings. Special attention in the research was paid to induction motors with a worn-out resource, in particular, 4A80A4 UZ engine. The analysis includes phase-to-body capacitance, winding inductance, eddy current impedance, and winding impedance. Under the WN mode, a decrease in the impedance of the winding section from 3 % to the short-circuit mode was simulated; accordingly, the resonance frequencies for each case of 3 % were determined – 73990 Hz, short-circuit – 74450 Hz, as well as the corresponding input impedances 8938.7 and 8082.5. The corresponding voltage resonances and current resonances were also determined. Appropriate results were also given for the WG scheme. The results reported here relate to the design of the scheme and the research on the defects of the mesh winding. This contributes to the analysis of the state of insulation of mesh windings. The numerical data (resonant frequencies and input impedances) allow a better understanding of the behavior of windings in different states and degrees of defects. Given the research findings, it is possible to better identify and analyze potential defects in mesh windings, which in turn contributes to increasing the reliability of electric machines. The results of this study could be used in the field of diagnosis, service, and maintenance of electric machines with mesh windings.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of amlodipine and enalapril combined tablets based on quality by design and artificial neural network for confirming of qualitative composition(Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Scientific Society and Pensoft Publishers, 2022-08) Behei, Nataliia; Tryhubchak, Oksana; Pryymak, BogdanUsing approaches of Quality by design, namely dispersion analysis, random balance method, regression analysis and neural networks, the composition and technology tablets based on amlodipine besylate and enalapril maleate have been developed. Using dispersion analysis was determined the effect of 30 excipients on 10 pharmaco-technological parameters of tablets. With the help of the desirability function, the leaders of the excipients were selected from 6 functional groups. It was confirmed that the composition with the best pharmaco-technological parameters, determined by using statistical methods, coincides with the results studies the synthesized Feed-forward neural network. The quantities of preferable excipients at 3 levels were identified by the random balance method. The relationship between the studied factors and the quality of the tablets was described by regression equations. Based on the placement of equal output lines, the optimal composition of amlodipine tablets with enalapril was established.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of control algorithms for magnetoelectric generator with axial magnetic flux and double stator based on mathematical modeling(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022) Ostroverkhov Mykola; Chumack Vadim; Falchenko Maksym; Kovalenko MykhailoThe object of this research is electromechanical processes in a generator with an axial magnetic flux and a double stator and an additional non-contact excitation winding operating as part of autonomous electric power systems. The power of the additional excitation system is about 2 % of the generator power. The presence of an additional non-contact winding, which is powered by direct current, makes it possible to control the generator voltage by changing the excitation current. This resolves the task to stabilize the output voltage of the generator with permanent magnets when the load and shaft speed change. This paper reports the construction of a three-dimensional field axisymmetric mathematical model of the generator under study, which has made it possible to calculate and investigate its characteristics and parameters, in particular the magnitude of magnetic induction in all structural elements. The model built takes into account the influence of finite effects, magnetic scattering fields, and the radial axial nature of the closure of the main magnetic flux and the magnetic flux of the additional excitation winding. The use of a structure with a double stator makes it possible to more efficiently utilize the usable volume of the generator and to increase its power. A mathematical model of the generator in the d-q coordinate system was built, which has made it possible to synthesize algorithms for controlling the automatic voltage stabilization system of the generator voltage under conditions of change in load and shaft speed. Control algorithms were developed on the basis of the concept of inverse dynamics problems in combination with minimizing local functionalities of instantaneous energy values, which ensures that the system is robust when changing generator parameters and that regulators are implemented in a simple way, due to the lack of differentiation operations. Based on the models built and algorithms developed, the quality of control of the generator's output voltage when the load and frequency of the generator change was investigated by modeling in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. When setting a jump in the rated load and changing the rotational speed within ±15 % of the rated value, the automatic stabilization system provides astatic voltage control at a given level of 48 V. The results can be practically used in the design of autonomous electric power systems with high energy conversion efficiency, in particular wind turbines and hydraulic units.Документ Відкритий доступ Direct robust active-reactive power control of a doubly-fed induction machine(Кременчугский государственный политехнический университет, 2001) Peresada, Sergei; Korol, SerhiiДокумент Відкритий доступ Direct vector control of induction motors based on rotor resistance-invariant rotor flux observer(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018-11) Bozhko, Serhiy; Kovbasa, Serhii; Nikonenko, Yevhen; Peresada, SergeiA novel speed-flux tracking controller for induction motors has been developed and experimentally verified. Direct rotor flux field oriented controller is designed for current-fed induction motor model on the base of full order hybrid continuous time-sliding mode flux observer. Controller guarantees local asymptotic speed-flux tracking and asymptotic direct field-orientation under condition of unknown constant load torque. The flux subsystem is invariant with respect to limited rotor resistance variations due to special structure of the flux observer. The efficiency of the proposed solution is confirmed by the results of experimental studies, which demonstrate the improved robustness properties in all motor operating conditions including nearby zero speeds.Документ Відкритий доступ Dynamic performances of the shunt active power filter control system(Одеський національний політехнічний університет, 2021) Peresada, Sergei; Kovbasa, Serhii; Zaichenko, YuriiДокумент Відкритий доступ Ein fortgeschrittenes Regelungssystem für Polypropylen Vliesstoffherstellung(Technische Universität, 2007) Khalimovskyy, Olexyi; Kiselychnyk, Oleh; Pryymak, BohdanДокумент Відкритий доступ Electric vehicle drivetrain based on permanent magnet synchronous motor with loss minimization control algorithm(Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2020) Soroka, Pavlo; Shapova, IvanДокумент Відкритий доступ Energy unit kit for photovoltaic cluster(Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАН України, 2023) Бондаренко, Дмитро; Матях, Сергій; Суржик, Таміла; Шевчук, ВолодимирSince solar generating capacity can be segmented, it is promising to move to the construction of generating power stations in the form of a cluster structure and the creation of unified generating units. It should also be noted that many households and small businesses are switching to using local, small-capacity solar power plants for their own needs. Such generating mini-stations are quite typical and contain elements typical for their purpose and nominal parameters. Thus, it is proposed to create, and in the future to apply, typical universal mini power plants, which are units for the construction of power-generating clusters. In article, detailed set of the unit is shown.Документ Відкритий доступ Experimental evaluation of the high performance vector controlled doubly-fed induction machine with matrix converter(Institute of electrodynamics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2002) Chekhet, Eduard; Sobolev, Vladimir; Peresada, Sergei; Shapoval, IvanДокумент Відкритий доступ Extremal electromechanical control system of water supply pumps connected in series(Кременчуцький державний політехнічний університет імені Михайла Остроградського, 2010) Popovich, Mykola; Kiselychnyk, Oleh; Buryan, SerhiiДокумент Відкритий доступ High performance electromechanical energy conversion using matrix converter. Part 2: Vector control of induction motor(НТУ “ХПИ”, 2001) Peresada, Sergei; Kovbasa, Serhii; Chekhet, Eduard; Shapoval, IvanДокумент Відкритий доступ Improved interactive energy saving control algorithms of water supply pump based on head measurement(ЕКОінформ, 2009) Kiselychnyk, Oleh; Buryan, Serhii; Bodson, Marc; Werner, HerbertДокумент Відкритий доступ Indirect field-oriented torque control of induction motors with maximum torque per ampere ratio(Кременчуцький державний політехнічний університет імені М. Остроградського, 2010) Peresada, Sergei; Kovbasa, Serhii; Dymko, Serhii