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У зібранні розміщено матеріали, що опубліковані або готуються до публікації в наукових журналах та збірниках.


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  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Рarticularites lexico-stylistiques des titres de la presse électronique française: aspect pragmatique
    (Таврійський національний університет імені В. І. Вернадського, 2022) Kulykova, V. G.
    The article is devoted to the study of the headlines of the modern French electronic press through the linguistic and pragmatic point of view. In particular, the concept, feature and role of the title in the Internet space are revealed, its lexical and stylistic features are identified, and linguistic means of realizing its pragmatic potential are determined. The title is an expression that represents the article. The rating of an online publication is determined by the number of articles’ views or readings, which, in turn, is caused by the clickability of the headlines. There are the successful design and selection of linguistic means that determine the pragmatic potential of headlines and play an important role in creating an impact on the recipient. The study shows that in order to achieve a pragmatic effect, journalists resort to various means of recipient influencing, use various lexical and stylistic techniques. Among the lexical means aimed at realizing the perlocutionary effect, it should be named the use of abbreviations (most often acronyms), proper names (famous people names, names of cities, countries, films, world organizations, etc.), terms (in the fields of medicine, politics, military affairs, economics, etc.), neologisms (the most common in recent publications are new words related to the field of medicine due to the Covid-19 disease, as well as politics due to the presidential elections in France), loan words (most often from the English language) and numerals. The stylistic features of the headlines of the modern French Internet press were also revealed. They are characterized by the use of emotional and expressive vocabulary and numerous stylistic figures. In order to attract the attention of readers and influence them, such tropes as epithet, metaphor, personification, metonymy, hyperbole, allusion, antithesis and paraphrase are widely used. In addition, the use of phraseological units, biblical idioms and puns was found.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Cтратегії мовленнєвого впливу в дискурсі соціальної реклами (на матеріалі французької та української мов)
    (Institut za crnogorski jezik i književnost, 2021) Куликова, Вікторія Григорівна
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Мовленнєві новації у французькому передвиборчому дискурсі: лінгвопрагматичний аспект
    (Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2021) Куликова, Вікторія Григорівна