Секція 9. Актуальні питання методики викладання фонетики іноземної мови

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  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Прийоми формування навичок поєднаної вимови у процесі навчання майбутніх учителів англійської мови після німецької
    (Міленіум, 2017) Чухно, Олена Анатоліївна
    The article considers the problem of forming pronunciation sub-skills of linking words in connected speech while teaching English as the second foreign language after German to future teachers. The author analyses the peculiarities of pronouncing initial vowel sounds in English in comparison with the German ones and students ’ native language sounds as well as the role played by the first foreign language in the process of teaching the second foreign language. Taking into account the principles of forming professional phonetic competence in the second foreign language the author offers exercises for forming the sub-skills of linking words at different stages of teaching English pronunciation.
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    L’utilisation des Jeux au Cours de L'enseignement de la Phonetique pour les Debutants en Classe de Français
    (Міленіум, 2017) Koulykova, V. G.
    The paper outlines the role of games in teaching phonetics for beginner students of French. The author emphasizes the importance of teaching vocabidary and grammar on phonetic basis as phonetics and graphics help students master the standards of oral and written communication. Providing the examples of some games aimed at better perception of phonetic features of French, the author proves that educational games make the process of a foreign language acquisition interesting and fun.
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    Комунікативна стратегія дистанціювання в професійно орієнтованому навчанні майбутніх учителів англійської інтонації
    (Міленіум, 2017) Гурина, Наталія Вікторівна
    Successful teaching future teachers to use English intonation in speech requires taking into account communicative norms, based on general attitudes, traditions and principles o f the British cultural community. Main British values, centered round the concept o f individualism with the emphasis on personal interests, independence and lack o f formality are realized within main communicative strategies: distancing, hinting, softening and shifting, communicative support, keep-the-conversation-going, organizing communicative contact, organizing the middle stage, handling small talk topics. The tactics and techniques o f the communicative strategy o f distancing, that are deeply rooted in the national worldviews, patterns o f behavior and stereotypical thinking, correlate with the corresponding English intonemes. Correct use o f the English intonemes-markers o f the mentioned above communicative strategies provides more effective cross-cultural communication o f teacher trainees and develops their foreign pronunciation culture.
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    Teaching English pronunciation: an ESP classroom practice
    (Міленіум, 2017) Baklazhenko, Y. V.
    The paper focuses on the problem of teaching English pronunciation in the ESP classroom. The paper is an attempt to answer the question of how to make it an interesting and engaging way while keeping the general course on professionalization of study. Several ways of interesting pronunciation teaching are proposed: phonetic spelling, sounds recognition, mimicking, tongue twisters, and limericks. The ways of incorporating these methods into English for Professional Purposes lessons are suggested.
  • ДокументВідкритий доступ
    Сучасні підходи до формування іншомовної фонетичної компетентності в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі
    (Міленіум, 2017) Бігич, Оксана Борисівна
    Among modern approaches to the methodology of teaching foreign languages there can be marked out the communicative, learner centred, competence, level-sensitive, cultural and reflexive ones. These approaches are specified in accordance with the formation of foreign phonetic competence on different stages of teaching foreign languages in comprehensive educational institutions - from primary to high school. The author singles out the most suitable technology providing students with the foreign phonetic competence typical of each approach.