Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Філологія. Педагогіка: збірник наукових праць, Вип. 8

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    Comunicative approach in grammar teaching
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Pavlovych, A. V.; Ivanova, O. O.
    The subject of the article is grammar teaching in terms of communicative approach. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is the basic constituent of modern foreign language teaching. Implementation of CLT led to a number of changes in teaching strategies. Learners do not just learn from a teacher but do their own information research. Grammatical competence is an important constituent of communicative competence. Learning grammar does not include only rules but use of the rules as a partof fluent communication. Comprehension of grammar material is indispensable. Learning new grammatical patterns is done by means of context when learners try to infer a rulei. e. meaning of a certain grammatical structure from what they read or hear. Teachers have to use different methods based on interaction and life-related situations to help learners acquire new grammar material. CLT requires a creative approach to grammar teaching. Different forms of group work are inescapable. Inductive method is used in new grammar material teaching. There is also a cognitive constituent in teaching grammar, which implies that learners have to perceive new grammatical structure and comprehend it in real-life situations. A teacher is a facilitator for learners helping and guiding them throughout a learning process.
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    The main peculiarities of business english as the branch of english for specific purposes
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Hanko, I. V.
    The author gives a thorough analysis of important characteristics of Business English as an instrument of communication in business world. The features outlined help to understand deeper the need of the crucial role of Business English pronunciation as an independent branch of English for Specific Purposes. Moreover, it advances the understanding of the successful teaching Business English to be used in real-to-life situations in a framework of the defined grammar and vocabulary peculiarities defined in a paper. The features of the official-business style of the English language are discussed in the paper. Therefore, the specific vocabulary and grammar peculiarities are analyzed by the author. Alongside with the presented grammar and vocabulary discourse characteristics, the syntactical features and text organization of business correspondence are clearly determined and presented in the paper. For the profound and clear understanding of the main features of correspondence organization the example of business letter is presented to demonstrate its main composition parts and the whole structure. The professional profile of Business English in terms of main real-to-life situation participants is given to develop teachers’ expertise in the student-oriented learning flow. The stylistics of Business English has been presented here as one of the leading traits of the business text discourse. Moreover, the vocabulary of official-business style is pronounced as a core of Business English text discourse. The author gives some conversational phrases, expressions and other stylistics notions to exemplify the paper analysis.
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    The role of modern songs and movies in raising motivation for learning foreign languages
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ovadiuk, О. V.
    The article deals with the peculiarities of using modern songs and movies in a foreign language classroom. It also gives the analysis of the stages and the possible exercises of this kind of activity, provides the main objectives of this activity in studying foreign languages. The article emphasizes the importance of using these techniques to increase the student's motivation, considering possible challenges faced by teachers and students as well as psychological and methodological solutions to these problems for better foreign language acquisition. The article also points out that due to the application of multimedia technologies, like songs and movies, the possibilities of modern methods of learning foreign language are considerably broadened and diversified. The content of lessons is enriched, the rate of realization is high, and a teacher gets the possibility to use educational time more effectively, to invent the original methods of teaching and increase the volume of educational material for students' mastering and usage. This allows mastering language material, language skills and abilities more effective and quicker. The article also emphasizes the important place of motivation in modern education as the key to obtaining high results in the study of foreign languages.
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    Формування в студентів потреби у професійному самовдосконаленні
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Городиська, О. М.
    У статті охарактеризовано сутність та важливість професійного самовдосконалення для майбутнього педагога. Визначено умови та групу мотивів, які спонукають особистість до самовдосконалення у професійній діяльності. Провідними, на думку автора, є особистісні мотиви, які свідчать про достатньо виражену мотивацію до саморозвитку, усвідомлення важливості гуманістичних цінностей, сформованість чітких життєвих цілей та суб’єктність. Ефективність професійного самовдосконалення залежить від гармонійного поєднання внутрішньої та зовнішньої мотивації, у якій особистісний розвиток має вирішальне значення. Визначено, що основою професійного самовдосконалення є ціннісне ставлення до педагогічної професії. Воно є внутрішньомотивованим та вимагає постійної роботи над собою, розвитку вмінь саморефлексії, самоаналізу, самореалізації, самовиховання та ін.
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    Projects with the use of internet technologies in foreign language learning
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svirepchuk, I. A.
    This article deals with the different types of project activities related to the use of the Internet, since the use of such technologies can create conditions for the formation and development of foreign language skills of the students, as well as cause interest to the independent creative and search activity, taking into account their personal needs and circumstances. The article discusses web quest, which can be characterized as a project in which the Internet is used as the main source of information, the main feature of which is to provide students with a list of specific sites, compiled by the teacher. Also the article gives consideration to website creation as one of the models of organization of project activities. The main thing in such project is the content of the website. The information forming the basis for a website must be interesting to the project participants as well as to visitors. The website has its own structure: the main page; module containing the original data on the topic of investigation; module that contains the results of students’ research; module that contains information about the participants of the project. The article also discussed international telecommunication projects (Web projects), which include elements such as web quests, and websites, and involve a variety of capabilities and resources of the Internet. The article focuses on two kinds of writing online communication -- synchronous (Chat) and asynchronous (E-mail).
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    Die überlegungen zur auswahl des landeskundlichen lehrstoffs
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Dzykovych, O. V.; Turysheva, O. O.
    Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt theoretische sowie empirische Überlegungen zur landeskundlichen Stoffauswahl, die eine ganze Reihe von Fragen in diesem Bereich zur Diskussion bringen. Die Autorin nennt wesentliche Schwierigkeiten, die Problematik der Landeskunde als Fach und dessen Stoffauswahl verursachen. Ein Teil des Artikels widmet sich der Auflistung von Ansätzen, mit denen die Auswahl des landeskundlichen Materials erfolgt. Dabei werden die wichtigsten Kriterien genannt, die diese Auswahl bestimmen. Im Weiteren werden die Lerninhalte vs. Fähigkeiten der Lehrenden sowie Lernenden analysiert. Die vorliegende Analyse verdeutlicht die Liste der Stoffauswahlkriterien und anhand der bildgebenden Fragen gibt einige Richtlinien für die Stoffauswahl im Unterricht. Von der Autorin wird auch ein Versuch unternommen, einen Vorschlag für eine lernerorientierte Stoffauswahl unter interkultureller Sicht zu machen, wobei sie exemplarisches Lernen und prozedurales Wissen im Vordergrund stellt.
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    The role of presentation in educational process
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Chizhova, N. V.; Antonenko, I. I.
    The article highlights the main features of the modern educational process at the university. The purpose of the university is not only to provide students with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and above all to create a mobile person, capable to self development, self-education and using creative approach to solve any problem. The article emphasizes the importance and necessity of using interactive teaching methods, among which the multimedia presentation takes the special place. Its main functions, features and capabilities illustrate its undeniable advantages. There are four main stages in the preparation of any presentation: plan development, scientific research, direct preparation and rehearsing the presentation. The article describes the main requirements for text components of slides. It presents and illustrates examples of opening and closing demonstrative techniques. The authors, based on their own experience of teaching, demonstrate how the presentation can be used in the study of foreign languages in higher technical education.
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    Mistake correction in teaching EFL
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Hordiienko, N. M.; Batiuta, T. V.
    This article deals with the importance of proper mistake correction in the process of teaching English as a foreign language as well as the challenges English language teachers regularly face when eliciting mistakes made by students. The analysis of the main strategies presented by leading local and foreign scientists concerning the problem of opportune mistake correction is carried out. The article focuses on the importance of the problem mentioned and provides detailed classification of different types of mistakes that can be made by students in the process of acquiring new language skills. Taking into consideration the deficiency of system development of methods and approaches to correcting mistakes during the lesson, the following scientific research is focused on scrutinising all sorts of possible solutions of the problem arising from the necessity to wisely correct mistakes. The problem of when to correct, how often and what kind of mistakes are to be corrected is given due consideration in the following article. The vital importance of facilitating favourable friendly atmosphere that would “allow” students to make mistakes is highlighted. Students’ psychological problems that may arise in the process of incorrect mistake correction are considered. The article is of great help to all foreign language teachers interested in effective implementation of modern techniques and approaches that can have a positive impact on the teaching process.
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    Український іменослов: культурна поліфонія
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Герасимчук, В. А.; Нечипоренко, А. Ф.
    У статті розкривається складний, суперечливий процес становлення українського іменослову в спільному східнослов’янському просторі. Простежується власне давньоруський період з ідентичними слов’янськими іменами, період запозичення імен з православних святців, переважно грецьких, а також єврейських, латинських. У статті визначено семантико-словотвірні моделі онімів та їх вплив на формування сучасної антропонімічної системи української мови. Зосереджено увагу на періоді формування української іменної системи, знаний, як період «антропонімічних ножиць», на питаннях щодо трансформування запозичених імен у системі української мови, їх кореляції, змістових та формальних (фонетичних, словотвірних, морфологічних). У статті подається поліфонічна картина сучасного стану українського іменослову.
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    Структурно-морфологічні характеристики стійких дієслівно-іменних словосполучень у німецькій мові
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Моісєєва, Н. О.
    Стаття присвячена дослідженню стійких дієслівно-іменних словосполучень у німецькій мові. Авторка проводить ґрунтовний аналіз існуючих на сьогоднішній день наукових підходів до розгляду цього типу словосполучень, критеріїв виокремлення їх в окремий клас та дає визначення, спираючись на специфіку їх граматикалізації та лексикалізації.. Окрема увага приділяється розмежуванню стійких дієслівно-іменних словосполучень та фразеологічних одиниць німецької мови. Крім того, у статті розглядається морфологічні особливості німецьких дієслівно-іменних словосполучень за морфологічною формою їх номінальної складової, а також валентність як засіб досягнення структурно-граматичної завершеності таких утворень. У відповідності до виокремлених морфологічних та синтаксичних ознак автор визначає функціональні особливості дієслівного та іменникового компонентів вище згаданих словосполучень, а також класифікує їх за цими критеріями.
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    Particularites structurelles, semantiques et fonctionnelles des sigles medicaux francais
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Polyuk, I. S.
    Le présent article étudie la question du fonctionnement des sigles dans le discours médical, de leurs particularités structurelles, de leur classification basée sur le critère sémantique et formel. L'analyse de la question abordée a permis de définir les fonctions essentielles des abréviations françaises dans le discours médical vu ses particularités et ses intentions communicatives et ses buts pragmatiques, et constater que ces dernières réalisent la fonction d'économie des ressources langagières, du temps et des efforts, celle de la lexicalisation et de l'apparition des néologismes et la fonction confidentielle, liée au secret médical pour l'expression implicite et cachée d'une certaine information. On a distingué des types différents des abréviations françaises selon des critères différents: celles du type initial, qui peuvent être littérales, sonores ou littérales et sonores à la fois, des unités abrégées monosyllabiques, des mots réduits et des abréviations mixtes; des sigles graphiques, lexicaux et syntaxiques représentant des formes elliptiques. Grâce aux recherches consacrées à la sémantique des abréviations, nous avons élaboré une classification des sigles selon le critère mentionné ci-dessus. Il a été constaté un large emploi des abréviations empruntées à la langue anglaise et à la langue latine.
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    Apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques francais, aspects linguistique et methodologique
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bondar, L. V.; Choumtchenko, Т. I.
    Le présent article aborde la question de l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques français, notamment des notices. Les auteurs analysent les particularités lexico-sémantiques, grammaticales et structurelles des textes mentionnés dans le but de définir les problèmes potentiels liés à leur traduction.L'étude a permis de distinguer dans la notice française quatre zones informationnelles importantes qui ont leurs propres moyens langagiers et les procédés de l'expression du potentiel pragmatique du texte. Les recherches montrent que les textes pharmaceutiques français comportent un grand nombre de termes issus de domaines différents, de termes d'origines latine et grecque; la segmentation des notices françaises diffère beaucoup de celles de la langue ukrainienne, tout cela doit être pris en considération lors de l'élaboration des exercices destinés à l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes de ce genre. Les auteurs proposent certains devoirs visant à former la compétence des étudiants des facultés de lettre en traduction des textes techniques et scientifiques, y compris des textes pharmaceutiques. L'étude a permis de conclure que les particularités langagières et structurales des notices françaises aussi bien que les aspects psycholinguistiques de la formation des savoir-faire doivent servir de base pour l'élaboration rationnelle des exercices, de leurs types et groupes, visant à l'apprentissage efficace de la traduction des notices des étudiants des facultés linguistiques.
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    Syntactic organization of german sms texts
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bezzubova, O. O.
    In information-oriented society electronic communication became massively important. SMS communication as a type of electronic communication and the form of technically indirect intercourse is in great popularity with all social strata representatives. SMS communication technical determinants caused the appearance of SMS communication space as well as new text type – SMS text. German SMS text is characterized by specific syntactic structure that depends on the communication channel, technically indirect communication conditions and communication purposes of SMS communicators. The reduction of plane of content and plane of expression in SMS texts occurs due to concise conveyance of information. Simple texts, texts of average complexity and complex texts of SMS messages are distinguished based on the syntactic structure of German SMS messages. The SMS texts of average complexity (925 of texts) that contain from one to five simple, compound and/or complex sentences are of the highest priority among German SMS communicators. The greatest productivity is revealed through average complexity German SMS texts composing of one sentence (42,5 % of total number of average texts).
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    Job titles in german: corpus-based comparative analysis
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ivashkevych, L. S.
    The article is devoted to the job titles in the modern German. The author has conducted a corpus-based research of German titles of the vacancies on employment in four areas, information technology, trade, blue-collar jobs and cleaning services. The aim of the study was twofold. First, to check whether the usage of English and euphemistic elements is equally represented in all investigated corpus and to reveal the functions of the usage of these components in each area. Secondly, to prove the possible interferences of the job titles' wordings between different spheres. The study was conducted using computer searching and counting. As a result of the comparative analysis, it was found that in the mentioned employment areas Anglicisms are used with different quantitative and qualitative functions. Thus, for the IT sector, the use of Anglicisms is characterized with the terminology function, while in the cleaning services area they play purely euphemistic function. In the areas of workers' and trade professions a significant level of stereotypy has been detected in the use of Anglicisms. The representation euphemisms were also different in the studied areas: unlike in the IT sector, trade and blue-collar jobs, in vacancies of cleaning services they were represented not only in a large number, but also in a wide range of lexical forms. Besides, some cases of an influence of the wording of the job titles of some areas onto others were found.
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    Pragmatic superstructure of argumentative discourse in technical research papers
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Doronkina, N. Ye.
    The article deals with pragmatic superstructure of argumentative discourse in technical research papers. Different approaches to pragmatics study including the theory of speech acts are outlined. The scientific article is considered as implementation of the author’s plan to achieve the specific goals taking into consideration the reader’s interest. The main concepts of the theory are described. The paper uses the types of speech acts according to J.Searle’s taxonomy of illocutionary acts. The main parameters of speech acts are mentioned. The theory of three complicated speech acts classes in accordance with the types of relation between illocutionary goals is discussed. The article analyzes the features of various argumentation types in terms of the complicated speech acts classes. The sequence of speech acts as a complex speech unit is discussed. In particular, the author draws reader’s attention to the requirements for the speech acts within the sequences which is recognized as a macrospeech act. The functional relationships determined by A.Ferrara between the speech acts within the sequence are stressed. Much attention is given to macrorules that derive global speech acts from macrospeech acts. The process of singling out the conventional functional relationships between global speech acts is illustrated. The fragment of pragmatic superstructure for the genre of technical research papers is created.
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    Association as linguistic phenomenon
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Akhmad, I. M.; Chmel, V. V.
    The article deals with the notion of association in linguistics. Various researchers looked for connections between thinking and language, conducting linguistic experiments and researches in the field of psycholinguistics, linguistics and, namely, associative groups. Research of associations is mainly aimed at the conceptual and semantic structure of human memory. Study of associations has a long scientific tradition, for centuries they have been the object of study of philosophers, psychologists, linguists. Associative experiment is a technique aimed at identifying associations existing in an individual based on his previous experience. To analyze associations it is necessary to know and understand connections between words, therefore, explore the sphere of human consciousness and cognitive perception. The article looks into history of associations studies, analyzing the main achievements and key points in the research of links between words and images, connections and relations between semantic field and groups. Also, attention is paid to external and internal associative links and their analysis. The other essential part of the study is focused on the insight into the nature of synonymy, antonymy and paronymy, the paradigms and their classifications. Understanding of associative and thematic groups helps us to conduct researches necessary for the understanding of the mechanism of interaction that exists between different lexical– semantic groups.
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    Extralingual and lingual means in the texts of business documents
    (НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Borkovska, I. P.
    The article examines the features of the extralingual and lingual means in the texts of business documents. The research serves to clarify how extralingual means, such as connection between communication and vital functions of people, the existence of explicit content, precision, nonperson character, standardization, stereotypes in the text structure, obliging character, objectivity, imperative character, documentation, formality, laconicism influence lingual means in the texts of business documents. We conducted a thorough analysis of lingual means in business documents, which make up exclusive system and the base of this system contains the units of three levels: lexical, morphological and syntactic. On the ground that content of the business text depends on the sphere of social life where this text exists, it can contain social, political, juridical, scientific vocabulary. Nevertheless, after the detailed lexical analysis of the certain layer of vocabulary was highlighted. Business vocabulary includes clichés, archaic words and phrases and it is considered as a typical peculiarity of such a text. A number of the borrowing words especially French and Latin was analyzed. It should be noted that contractions, abbreviation, verbonominants are widespread in this kind of the texts. In addition, key peculiarities of verbs, used in the texts of business documents, are illustrated.