Optimization of voltage converters of matrix and inverter types using simulation modelling




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


The paper presents the results of simulation modeling of functional capabilities of pulse converters of alternating voltage with free circulation of energy of two types: inverter type with intermediate link of pulsating voltage and matrix type with discharge of reactive load energy into the network. With the help of a software package OrCAD, the main modes of operation of these converters are investigated: lowering and increasing the output voltage relative to the input. The simulation results of each mode are presented in the form of diagrams of the control algorithm of the converter keys and diagrams of its electrical characteristics: input and output currents, voltage on the intermediate link (buffer capacitor) and output. On the basis of visual models for lowering and raising modes of work mathematical models and substitute electric schemes of the studied converters on intervals of their invariable structure are created. Simplified formulas for the approximate calculation of electrical parameters with sufficient accuracy for practice are proposed for both modes. Simulation models of the logic unit of the control system and the circuit of the power unit are presented separately for the three-phase matrix converter with energy reset and recovery. On the basis of visual models obtained with the help of the OrCAD software package, mathematical models and alternate electrical circuits of these converters at intervals of their constant structure were created. The conducted simulation allows to determine the most expedient areas of use of such converters and to perform optimization of their power circuits and control systems.


Ключові слова

reversible rectifier, buffer capacitor, matrix regulator, inverter regulator, simulation model, power switch, reactive power, реверсивний випрямляч, буферний конденсатор, матричний регулятор, інверторний регулятор, імітаційна модель, силовий ключ, реактивна енергія

Бібліографічний опис

Grudska, V. P. Optimization of voltage converters of matrix and inverter types using simulation modelling / Grudska V. P., Golubev V. V., Denysenko O. S. // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія : науковий журнал. – 2022. – № 2. – С. 104-113. – Бібліогр.: 10 назв.