Digital algorithms polarization-holographic 3D layered mapping of microscopic images of polymere films in polygraphic production




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ВПІ КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


Scientific work presents systematized data of original experi-mental research of diagnostic efficiency of multiparametric(using polarizing mathematical fourth order — Stokes vector)layer-by-layer three-dimensional laser Stokes-polarimetriccoordinate digital mapping of a series of microscopic polariza-tion-filtered images of coordinate distributions of random va-lues of parameters of azimuth (the plane angle of oscillation of the laser electric intensity vector) and ellipticity (eccen-tricity of the laser coherent electric intensity vector trajec-tory) of a set of optically anisotropic diffuse samples, in which multiple interaction of laser radiation and op-tical inhomogeneities takes place.


Ключові слова

polarimetry, 3D mapping, diagnostics, depolarization layers of optically anisotropic polyethylene films, поляриметрія, 3D мапінг, діагностика, деполяризаційні шари оптично анізотропних поліетиленових плівок

Бібліографічний опис

Digital algorithms polarization-holographic 3D layered mapping of microscopic images of polymere films in polygraphic production / O. H. Ushenko, I. V. Soltys, O. V. Dubolazov, O. V. Olar // Технологія і техніка друкарства : збірник наукових праць. – 2022. – Вип. 2(76). – С. 43-47. – Бібліогр.: 13 назв.