Functional condition of young swimmers. Psychophysical indikators




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Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова


In the problem of studying the implementation of complex motor reactions in conditions of sports activity and their tolerance, along with generally accepted psychological and pedagogical measures, the study of psychophysiological functions is used. The physiological mechanism for the implementation of complex motor functions in health and in pathology has been studied by many authors [1,2,3etc.], mainly in a state of rest. However, there are many controversial issues related to the influenceof complex coordination loads, such as swimming, on the mechanisms of implementation of the contractile function in young athletes, even at the initial stages of training. Quantitative assessment of the state of the somatosensory system, which ensures the performance of aspecial motor function of young athletes, characteristic of a specific type of motor activity, consists in the insufficiency of methodological criteria.


Ключові слова

problem, training, somatosensory, system, athletes, проблема, тренування, сомато-сенсорний, система, спортсмени, функція, function

Бібліографічний опис

Khimich, I. Functional condition of young swimmers. Psychophysical indikators / Khimich Igor, Parakhonko Vadym, Kachalov Oleksandr // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15. Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - Київ : Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023. - Випуск 10(170). - С. 12-15.
