Scientific substantiation of technological parameters the stabilization of the soil massif by enclosing constructions in the urban conditions
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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
The Master’s thesis on the topic “Scientific substantiation of technological parameters the stabilization of the soil massif by enclosing construction in the urban construction”.
Consists of an introduction, 5 chapters, conclusions, and list of references. The total volume of work is 95 pages, including 59 figures, 16 tables and 39 references.
The application of modern urban construction technologies necessitates the use of deep foundations, and Construction takes place on the land of a densely built city, with existing structures in the immediate vicinity. Construction takes place in a complex with unpleasant hydro-geological sites as well as areas subjected to high vibration from metros, trains, and trams.
Challenges in the presence of unstable, fragile soils, particularly with a high plasticity module, as well as a requirement for a not-so-efficient span when using a Retaining Wall System for Urban Infrastructure Excavation. This study aims to discuss constructing Diaphragm wall in deep pit and mentioned the problems also aims to focus on most common systems that use in deep pit in which anchorage and struts and comparing both systems while using them in deep excavation in such type of condition depending on simulation computer programs such Plaxis. Another aims of showing effects penetration depths of the wall structure on stability and displacement of deep pits in such type of condition depending on simulation computer programs such Plaxis and Slide.
Відтермінування оприлюднення, у зв'язку з наявністю у ВКР інформації з обмеженим доступом
Ключові слова
underground Development, Urban Construction, Strutting system, Deep pit
Бібліографічний опис
Mohammed Hussein Ghaleb Altalabani. Scientific substantiation of technological parameters the stabilization of the soil massif by enclosing constructions in the urban conditions : Master Degree Dissertation : 184 Mining / Mohammed Hussein Ghaleb Altalabani. - Kyiv, 2021. - 95 p.