Typology of the English Interview with Businessmen
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Вітебський державний університет імені П. М. Машерова
In contemporary linguistics, considerable attention is paid to the study of the language of mass media which are
characterised by the variety of genres, dynamics, and innovations of various types. In accordance with the genre, the channel
of transferring the information and language of the presented texts, the materials analyzed in this paper belong to English
interviews in both printed and digital media.
The aim of the article is to analyze the current typology of the English interview with businessmen.
Material and methods. The sources of this research are the texts and scripts of English interviews with businessmen. Our
method is classification of English interview texts according to different criteria. The methodological novelty of this study is
the application of various approaches and criteria to the texts of English interviews with businessmen.
Findings and their discussion. In this article, the author considers the main approaches to classification of English
interview with businessmen, makes an attempt to classify the interview texts by different criteria and outline current tendencies
of development of the genre of interview, which influences the analysis of businessmen’s communicative behaviour in the
English mass media discourse.
Conclusion. «Mutation» and «convergence» of the traditional mass media result in diversification of sources of information
and media genres. This article is an attempt to classify English interviews with businessmen by different criteria, according
to the material of investigation. Different scholars’ experience who worked on the classification of media genres both in
journalism and linguistics was taken into account. Given the focus of our study, these criteria are adapted to its aims.
We identified the criteria which most effectively define specificities of communicative behaviour of businessmen.
Ключові слова
typology, interview genre, English discourse, communicative behaviour, interviewer, interviewee, respondent
Бібліографічний опис
Degtiarenko, M. Typology of the English Interview with Businessmen / Degtiarenko M. O. // Ученые записки УО «ВГУ им. П. М. Машерова. – Вип. 26. – Вітебськ, 2018. – С. 166–170.