Crystal Chemistry of refractory compounds




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського



The main directions of development of modern scientific and technological progress are determined by energy, automation and materials. But it should be noted that neither the development of energy nor the development of automation is possible without the development of materials with new properties, or improvement of existing ones. New materials are required by all modern industries – construction, machine and machine tools, ships and aircraft, nuclear power and rocketry, radio and electronics. Therefore, material science, which studies the structure, composition, properties of materials and the relationship between them, examines the dependence of the structure and properties on the methods of production and processing of materials, as well as their change under the influence of external factors: power, thermal, radiation, etc. are among the priority directions of modern science. An indispensable essential component of many modern materials and coatings are refractory compounds that have a complex of unique physical, chemical, operational and technological properties. Since modern science is not able to unambiguously answer the question of what properties the newly created material, which includes certain elements of the periodic table, will have, the research and knowledge of the electronic structure and crystalline structure play a significant role in predicting its possible properties. Therefore, teaching the discipline “Crystal Chemistry of Refractory Compounds” is a necessary component in the training program for students of material sciences. There is now a great deal of basic research devoted to research and generalization of refractory compounds and materials results. The purpose of the “Crystal Chemistry of Refractory Compounds” manual is to familiarize students of material science with the results of these studies in a concise and understandable format for students. The first section of the “Crystal Chemistry of Refractory Compounds” manual discusses general information concerning refractory compounds and without which it is impossible to further present the issues of electronic and crystalline structure and properties of specific refractory compounds. This section discusses the classification of refractory compounds, the basic condensed-state models of matter, which are the theoretical basis for understanding the formation of properties of materials based on refractory compounds, and the concept of “interstitial phase” to which a large number of refractory compounds belong. The sections from the second to the fifth introduce the students into the peculiarities of the electronic structure and crystalline phase structure, which are formed in the double systems of transition metal of IV–VI groups–non-metal (carbon, nitrogen, boron, silicon). Each section also presents the basic properties of refractory compounds from the point of view of the configuration model of the substance. The sixth section is devoted to non-metallic, so-called covalent, refractory compounds: boron nitride, silicon, aluminum, silicon and boron carbides, boron silicide. The seventh section is practicum. The purpose of practical works is teaching students to apply theoretical knowledge of the basics of crystallography and crystal chemistry for analytical description of crystalline structures of refractory compounds. Each of the five practical works is accompanied by theoretical information on the basics of crystal chemistry or crystal chemistry of refractory compounds, the procedure of work and detailed examples of the task. There are questions for students’ self-control regarding the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. The authors express their special gratitude to the distinguished reviewers for their comments and advices in the preparation of the textbook.

Ключові слова

classification of refractory compounds, basic model of the condensed state of matter, formation of properties of model, condensed state of matter, Configuration Model of a Solid, refractory compounds, класифікація тугоплавких сполук, моделі конденсованого стану речовини, формування властивостей матеріалів, тугоплавкі сполуки, фази впровадження, Interstitial phases, типи кристалічних ґраток, електронна будова, классификация тугоплавких соединений, модели конденсированного состояния вещества, свойства материалов, тугоплавкие соединения, фазы внедрения, электронное строение, типы кристаллических решеток

Бібліографічний опис

Crystal Chemistry of refractory compounds [Electronic resource] : a textbook for students specialty 132 «Materials Science» / L. O. Biriukovych, Yu. I. Bogomol ; translator N. S. Nikitina ; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. – Electronic text data (1 file: 3,99 Mb). – Kyiv : Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2021. – 140 p. – Title from the screen.