Legal definition of the concept «Informational security» in Ukrainian and international documents




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The concept of international information security was discussed in the context of the formation of the information society and global civilization. It is noted that information security is one of the main components of national security, especially during war. Although the concept of "information security" has existed in the political context for a long time, the legal systems of different countries define the concept of "information security" both equally and differently. It should be said, that there are definitions of this concept that are contained in international documents that are mandatory for most countries of the world. The most important interpretation of the concept is in the Decision of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine. Information security is defined by Ukrainian legislation as a system for countering the spread of harm through misinformation, etc. The international definition is quite similar, although in some cases it is narrower or more complete. This concept represents the adoption of information security measures, the system of such measures, the procedure for actions in connection with the commission of illegal actions regarding information, determines the interaction of states to ensure world order and the development of international principles of information protection.


Ключові слова

information security, legislative definition

Бібліографічний опис

Borkovska, I. Legal definition of the concept «Informational security» in Ukrainian and international documents / Borkovska Inna, Krutikova Iryna // Scientific Collection «InterConf»: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific Progressive Methods and Tools» (November 6-8, 2022, Riga, Latvia). – 2022. – № 131. – Pp. 115-117. – Bibliogr.: 4 ref.