Descriptive translation and word formation methods of neologisms in thematic groups




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Word formation process is considered to be the form of language functioning essential for vocabulary arrangement and reality representation as well. Neologisms in any language are the evidence of dynamic processes in language which adapts to rapidchanges in the modern world. American and British cultures have great influence on Ukrainian society due to political and economic reasons, not to mention the growing number of TV series, shows, films and music. Integration processes and anew strategy of country development contribute to theoccurrence of new notions and realities as well. New words are formed by means of both borrowings and word formation methods typical for a specific language, which is why the problem of translation has always been paid much attention to. Adequate translation requires accurate analysis of context, stylistic features of the text and word formation methods to produce the most suitable equivalent. When theselection of equivalent is not possible due to the lack of lexical means in the target language, descriptive translation is the most versatile means. The article deals with the descriptive translation of neologisms within thematic groups, the notion of neologism, their classification, ways of word formation and the dependence of accurate translation on the correct analysis of the word structure. The suitability and effectiveness of descriptive translation were also analyzed in terms of conveying the meaning of neologism.


Ключові слова

neologism, neology, descriptive translation, word formation methods, thematic group, classification of neologisms, неологізм, неологія, описовий переклад, способи творення, тематична група, класифікація неологізмів, неологізм, неология, описательный перевод, способы образования, тематическая группа, классификация неологизмов

Бібліографічний опис

Prysiazhniuk, I. Descriptive translation and word formation methods of neologisms in thematic groups / Prysiazhniuk I. S. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Філологія. Педагогіка : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – Вип. 7 (I). – С. 63–68. – Бібліогр.: 10 назв.