Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Філологія. Педагогіка: збірник наукових праць, Вип. 7 (I)
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Документ Відкритий доступ Культурологічні наративи у працях івана огієнка (Митрополита Іларіона)(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Мислович, Н. М.У статті розглядаються культурологічні концепції наукової діяльності відомого публіциста, громадського діяча Івана Огієнка. Сучасний етап розвитку вищої школи потребує звернення до інтелектуальних, моральних авторитетів в історії розбудови української держави. Літературний, публіцистичний спадок його праць – це постійне піднімання з колін українців, виховання самоповаги, самоусвідомлення народу, і зрештою – людської гідності. Надзвичайно обдарована людина Іван Огієнко постулював велике коло суспільно-політичних, культурологічних проблем, що не втратили актуальності для розв’язання і в наш час. Інтерес до життя і діяльності постаті такого масштабу допомагає у виборі життєвих пріоритетів і є взірцем духовного служіння своєму народові для сучасної молоді.Документ Відкритий доступ The improving of efficiency in foreign language teaching(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Lomakina, L. V.This article provides an overview of foreign and Ukrainian experience of using new information technologies in foreign language teaching. On the basis of pedagogical and psychological literature modern multimedia technologies of training, including distance education were characterized. The role and place of new information technologies in teaching and educational process are defined; the basic concepts of distance learning are specified and determined; the methodical and technical aspects of foreign language training programs through the certain distance learning models and educational and methodical complexes promoting the improvement of thequality of educational process are introduced. The most important characteristics of advanced informational and educational environment of hi-tech DL are formulated. The algorithm for theintroduction of computer technologies in the process of foreign language teaching is described. Also, it is mentioned that the chosen didactic computer programs are adequate to the developed training models. Distance learning methods are analyzed and the pedagogical need for distance learning of foreign languages is identified. It is proved that effective use of modern information technologies creates real possibilities of improving the quality of education and the existing didactic models for distance learning of foreign languages with the use of information technologies significantly affect the quality of foreign language teaching.Документ Відкритий доступ Das thema „Weihnachten“ im deutschunterricht behandeln – unterrichtsideen und methodenempfehlungen(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Lange, AnjaDer Artikel setzt sich mit einem recht beliebten Thema auseinander: Weihnachten wird in Deutschland anders als in der Ukraine gefeiert und bietet sich damit vergleichend als landeskundliches Thema an. Für eine nähere Betrachtung des Themas werden im Artikel verschiedene Unterrichtsideen genannt, die am Jahresende gemacht werden können. Dabei kann der Unterricht sowohl kulinarische als auch lexikalische Inhalte haben.Документ Відкритий доступ Vark learning styles in vocabulary teaching(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ivanova, O. O.; Pavlovych, A. V.The article deals with vocabulary teaching and vocabulary acquisition in terms of student-centered learning. The teaching approach presumes that students influence learning process and it expresses humanistic paradigm in teaching. Students are not merely provided with necessary information but they have possibilities for self-development as well. Teachers play a very significant role in the teaching/learning process, as they should help students in the learning process taking into account the use of corresponding pedagogical and psychological approaches.Vocabulary teaching is one of the most important constituents of language learning as words convey the meaning of message. Many scholars pay attention to vocabulary teaching as it is an indispensible aspect of foreign language teaching especially in non-linguistic educational institutions where students need to learn specific terminology. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are interconnected aspects of vocabulary. In the teaching process it is necessary for a teacher to take into consideration visual, auditory, read/write and kinesthetic (VARK) learning styles. The use of all perception channels is strongly preferred. Different kinds of exercises can help to conduct lessons which are useful for all types of learners. Students are supposed to deal with tasks that require the use of their least preferred perception channel. The main task of a teacher is to help students to transfer vocabulary skills from one of its forms into another. Student-centered learning can be an effective means of using peculiarities of all kinds of learners in vocabulary teaching especially in teaching a foreign language for special purposes.Документ Відкритий доступ Фразеотематична група «рух як процес переміщення в просторі» в англійській та українській мовах(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Тодорова, Н. Ю.В статті розглядається фразеотематична група «Рух як процес переміщення» в англійській та українській мовах. В зіставному аспекті проаналізовано семантику англійських та українських фразеологічних одиниць на позначення руху як процесу переміщення, з метою виявлення ізоморфних та аломорфних рис зазначеної фразеотематичної групи в цілому. За допомогою компонентного аналізу було виявлено інтегральні та диференційні семи в складі корпусу досліджуваних одиниць. За виділеними диференційними семами була розроблена ідеографічна класифікація фразеологічних одиниць на позначення руху як процесу переміщення. Був проведений зіставний аналіз кількісного наповнення семантичних полів та груп в складі тематичної групи. В процесі вивчення варіантно-синонімічних рядів в складі семантичних груп було виявлено фразеологічні лакуни в обох мовах.Документ Відкритий доступ Descriptive translation and word formation methods of neologisms in thematic groups(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Prysiazhniuk, I. S.Word formation process is considered to be the form of language functioning essential for vocabulary arrangement and reality representation as well. Neologisms in any language are the evidence of dynamic processes in language which adapts to rapidchanges in the modern world. American and British cultures have great influence on Ukrainian society due to political and economic reasons, not to mention the growing number of TV series, shows, films and music. Integration processes and anew strategy of country development contribute to theoccurrence of new notions and realities as well. New words are formed by means of both borrowings and word formation methods typical for a specific language, which is why the problem of translation has always been paid much attention to. Adequate translation requires accurate analysis of context, stylistic features of the text and word formation methods to produce the most suitable equivalent. When theselection of equivalent is not possible due to the lack of lexical means in the target language, descriptive translation is the most versatile means. The article deals with the descriptive translation of neologisms within thematic groups, the notion of neologism, their classification, ways of word formation and the dependence of accurate translation on the correct analysis of the word structure. The suitability and effectiveness of descriptive translation were also analyzed in terms of conveying the meaning of neologism.Документ Відкритий доступ Les problѐmes de la traduction des sous-titres de film franҫais en Ukrainien(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Parkhomenko, О. M.; Коsar, J. S.; Lyachtchevskyi, S. O.L’article vise à la recherche des particularités de la traduction des sous-titres de film français en ukrainien aussi bien qu’à la mise en évidence des éléments essentiels qui présentent les difficultés pour le traducteur. On prête une attention particulière à l’étude de la possibilité d’utiliser les transformations lexicales et grammaticales ainsi qu’aux moyens de la transmission des particularités culturelles du Canada.Les résultats de la recherche confirment qu’il est nécessaire d’adapter les réalités canadiennes dans les sous-titres pour le spectateur ukrainien en gardant le potentiel pragmatique de la réplique et en obtenant le même effet pragmatique. On a constaté la nécessité de transmettre l’originalité de la culture étrangère qui se reflète dans l’humour spécifique, le jeu de mots, la langue parlée ainsi que dans les idées du réalisateur et du scénariste du film. Afin d’économiser l’espace, une tâche essentielle de la traduction des sous-titres consiste en emploi de l’omission des éléments qui ne sont pas obligatoires dans le cadre d’une certaine situation communicative pour comprendre le sens de la réplique.Документ Відкритий доступ “Personal beginning of author” as one of text properties in memoirs(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Kolosova, H. A.This article describes theproblem of current importance for the modern linguistics of text and discourse – the analysis of such specific property as “personal beginning of author” or “personality” in the text of memoirs. The author analyzes specifics of functioning of this property in the space of Winston Churchill’s memoirs «My Early Life», which serves as a basic material for the research. Analysis also includes semantic and functional aspects of onomasticon of memoirs to reveal processes of cooperation of language tools inside intratextual space. The article results in extension of the classic roles of memoirs author not only as a narrator and a recaller. In case of memoirs writer also becomes a participant, or perceiver of primary information, and contemporary of events, or a perceiver of secondary information. Text creation of memoirs depends on the method of dialogism, because without the addressee memoirs cannot reveal its idea, directing to the reader and his perception. Communication between author and reader works in the same way as the process of “communication” between parts of a text and even separate lexical units (such as proper names), producing coherent memoirs. The purpose of text creation is determined by the identification of the writer as a personality, his language realization, setting his goals through the memoirs.Документ Відкритий доступ Fonctionnement de differentes formes de neologismes dans le discours de la science et de la technique(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ibraguimova, S. V.; Buts, J. V.L'article proposé examine le concept du néologisme dans le discours de la science et de la technique. On fait le recours des travaux théoriques de divers scientifiques sur la structure, les particularités du processus de l'apparition et de la formation de nouvelles unités lexicales. On décrit les groupes des néologismes parmi lesquels l’attention particulière est attachée aux néologismes sémantiques, lexicaux et de réseau. On expose l'analyse de l’emploie de différentes formes et de divers groupes des innovations lexicales dans le discours de la science et de la technique.Документ Відкритий доступ Pragmatic characteristics of scientific and technical texts(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Hordiienko, N. M.; Batiuta, T. V.This research paper outlines the main peculiarities of scientific and technical text in terms of pragmatic science. Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of scientific and technical texts are considered in present article as well as other important constituents of pragmatic relations, such as communicative intention, content, composition, participants of scientific communication and signature style. Theoretical principles of pragmatic text research on the basis of national and foreign researchers’ concepts have been analyzed. The main participants of scientific and technical communication, namely addresser and addressee have been considered as key constituents required for establishing communicative and pragmatic situation, communicative intention conveying and realization of communicative and pragmatic potential. It has been noted that the process of scientific communication is closely connected with pragmatic aspect and speech communication and should be considered in terms of its main participant – an individual, who acts as a key element of pragmatic meaning actualization. The emphasis has been put on pragmatic functions, namely informative, cognitive, persuasive, explanatory, communicative and didactic as well as their actualization in scientific text. Being in the scope of our interest, scientific and technical texts are built under the influence of extralinguistic factors such as background information or diversified interests of the participants of communication. A great attention has been also paid to pragmatically-notional elements of scientific and technical texts, in particular,metatextual mental performatives whereby pragmatic meaning of theparticular message is realized.Документ Відкритий доступ Historical and modern aspects of the notion of idiostyle in lingustic studies(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Shandra, Olha; Glinka, NataliiaThe article investigates theoretical foundations of the study of such a linguistic phenomenon as idiostyle and its interpretations. The topicality is determined by increasing interest among scholars in studying of individual peculiarities of the writer‘s idiostyle. For this purpose, a number of definitions of the terms ―style‖, ―idiostyle‖, ―individual style‖ are reviewed and analyzed. Idiostyle as a lingual-cognitive portrait of a writer is reflected in his texts and represented by the individual conceptualization of the world, being determined by the individual system of values.The author‘s fictional conceptual system is referred to as the lingual-cognitive basis of his idiostyle. It consists of the thematically related literary concepts verbalized in creative works. In addition, the article dwells on the correlations between idiostyle and other notions such as a world view, individual author‘s conceptual system, individual concepts, dominant and constant of idiostyle. Focusing on functional characteristics of James Joyce‘s individual style of writing as well as their verbalization in the writer‘s prose, this paper is an attempt of creating the portrait of the well-known representative of modernist literature and defining dominant features of his works.Документ Відкритий доступ The peculiarities of corporality manifestation in the prose works of meta-modernism period (on the basis of cyberpunk genre)(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Havrylenko, V. M.The article gives the observation of the ways the phenomenon of corporality is manifested via linguistic means in the texts that belong to the period of meta-modernism and specifically – in texts, which belong to the genre of cyberpunk. In the process of our research, we investigated the linguistic means of forming the human being corporality in the circumstances of virtual reality communication, which is described in the works of Paul di Filippo and William Gibson. We researched different vectors of possible corporality manifestation, represented in the works – the transfer of the human mind into Web along with physical disembodiment and the linguistic means which describe and accompany the process of such transfer and describe the peculiarities of such existence; we also paid attention to linguistic means which touched the sphere of bionic body improvement, and specifically, we paid attention to reasons which made people extend their corporality and the titles of these corporality extensions – various body implants and mechanical editions. From the linguistic point of view, the second sphere is of a special interest for lexicology because the means which are involved in corporality descriptions are built with the help of language means i.e. adding prefixes. The topicality of the article is based on the fact of absence of any linguistic works devoted to the cyberpunk genre in Ukrainian philology and literature studies, so it gives a floor for research from various points of stylistics, neology, the theory of literature etc.