Adaptive strategies for managing the competitive potential of an architectural and construction company




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Видавничий дім «Гельветика»


Adaptive strategy is a key in the modern business environment as it allows businesses to respond effectively to changes in market conditions and ensures their competitiveness. The adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of the architectural and construction company was not investigated at the level of a separate study. The purpose of the study is to determine the nature and characteristics of an adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of an architectural and construction company. The process of forming the competitive potential of the company as a comprehensive strategy of actions aimed at achieving competitive advantages over a certain period of time is considered. The strategies of growing, stabilising, surviving and adapting are analysed. The principles, functions and stages of operation of the adaptive management system are the subject of the article. According to the authors, an adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of architectural and construction companies is an approach aimed at continuously adapting the company’s management strategies to the changing internal and external environment in which it operates. This approach implies flexibility and readiness for rapid response to changes in market conditions, technologies, competition, legislation and other aspects of activity. It has established that a flexible organisational structure, staff competence and continuous improvement of products and services are the components of the adaptive strategy methodological triangle. Using such a methodological triangle allows architectural and construction organisations to be flexible and adaptable to changes in the competitive environment, to adapt quickly to new conditions and to maintain their competitiveness. According to the authors, the characteristics of the adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of architectural and construction companies include the following aspects: intellectual capital of companies in the field; ensuring the uniqueness of products in a particular market segment; pricing; ensuring the quality of products and services; availability of financial resources; information and innovation activities; introduction of resource-saving technologies in a construction company; use of innovative approaches to the design, construction and operation of buildings. The results of the study can be used in the process of formation and implementation of adaptive strategies for managing the competitive potential of the architectural and construction company. Key words: adaptive strategy, competition, competitive environment, competitive potential of an architectural and construction company, market conditions, system, transformation, adaptation.


Ключові слова

adaptive strategy, competition, competitive environment, competitive potential of an architectural and construction company, market conditions, system, transformation, adaptation, адаптивна стратегія, конкуренція, конкурентне середовище, конкурентний потенціал архітектурно-будівельної компанії, ринкові умови, система, трансформація, адаптація

Бібліографічний опис

Kubanov R. Adaptive strategies for managing the competitive potential of an architectural and construction company / Kubanov R., Yashchenko O., Makatora D., Kubanov R. // Інклюзивна економіка. – 2024. – № 1. – С. 32–41. – Бібліогр.: 22 назви.
