Time series analysis and forecasting of demographics of developed and developing countries





Maznichenko, Lev Vladyslavovych

Науковий керівник

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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


Bachelor thesis: 107 p., 6 figures, 5 tables, 32 references, 3 appendixes. The object of the study is the demographics of developed and developing countries. The subject of research is the time series analysis and forecasting methods applied to demographic data. The purpose of the work is to is to develop and evaluate a model for predicting demographic trends in various countries using time series analysis techniques. The relevance of this thesis lies in the development of the field of demographics (TFR) forecasting, which is essential for understanding and planning for the needs of society and Humankind itself. Accurate population projections help in policy making, resource allocation and economic planning. Traditional models often fail to capture the nuances of demographic changes, especially under different economic, political and cultural conditions. During research, a sophisticated forecasting model was developed to predict demographic trends in both developed and developing countries. This model uses advanced time series analysis and forecasting techniques to provide increased accuracy and insight into future demographic shifts, thereby assisting in effective decision-making and planning.


Ключові слова

time series, forecasting, time series analysis, demographics, total fertility rate, demographic transition, arima, fertilty, moving average, часові ряди, прогнозування, аналіз часових рядів, демографія, сумарний коефіцієнт народжуваності, демографічний перехід, аріма, фертильність, ковзна середня

Бібліографічний опис

Maznichenko, L. V. Time series analysis and forecasting of demographics of developed and developing countries : diploma work ... bachelor's degree : 122 «Computer sciences» / Maznichenko Lev Vladyslavovych. - Kyiv, 2024. - 107 p.