Pedagogical control and its significance in controlling speed-power movements in student weightlifters




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НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова


The article reveals the importance of pedagogical control in the management of speed-power movements in student weightlifters. It is assumed that the effectiveness of technical techniques should be evaluated based on the registration of a limited number of basic biomechanical characteristics of movement. Applying a system of internal reference points for an athlete, in combination with hardware techniques, it is possible to develop a control technique acceptable for use at all stages of training athletes for important competitions. The selection of rational pedagogical influences and their reduction into an algorithmized methodology, the use of a system of urgent information on the effectiveness of exercises will contribute to a targeted change in movement skills, which will speed up the training process of weightlifters and improve the system for evaluating their achievements. When building a specific methodology, the development of the structure and content of algorithmized pedagogical influences acquires great importance. This may indicate an unformed need for physical exercise. Which, in turn, indicates a low level of motivation for physical education. Currently, one of the urgent problems is the effective organization of physical education classes for young people in universities. The main component for the successful implementation of any activity, including physical culture and sports, is motivation. Taking into account psychological factors that contribute to the perception and adequate processing of information, the use of the features of the formation of "meaningful", "target", "operational" attitudes will help speed up the learning process. And the selection of auxiliary exercises, determination of their sequence, will contribute to consolidation of rational motor skills.


Ключові слова

важка атлетика, фізичні вправи, weightlifting, physical exercises, студенти, students, фізичне виховання, physical education

Бібліографічний опис

Sobolenko, A. Pedagogical control and its significance in controlling speed-power movements in student weightlifters / Sobolenko A., Luskan О., Martinov Yu. // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія № 15. Науковопедагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). – Випуск 11 (157) 22. – Київ : НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова, 2022. – С. 24-26.
