Primary and secondary qualifications in private international law




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The problem of active adaptation and implementation of the legislation of the states to the rules of the European Union is considered. It is noted that all countries of the world use legal qualifications directly to solve various situations arising under different circumstances. The Law of Ukraine "On Private International Law" defines that a legal qualification is an identification of the law applicable to legal relations with a foreign person, but it should be noted that this definition is not complete. It is emphasized that such a definition simplifies the process of legal qualification in private international law. An analysis of theoretical definitions was carried out. Legal qualifications are considered by theoreticians to refer to the appropriate legal category of the question arising from the circumstances of the case under consideration by the court. There is also the following interpretation: legal assessment of a legal norm, which is aimed at clarifying the purpose. to determine the legal purpose of committing an offense.


Ключові слова

International Law, legal norms

Бібліографічний опис

Borkovska, I. Primary and secondary qualifications in private international law / Borkovska Inna, Krutikova Iryna // Scientific Collection «InterConf»: Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Challenges in Science of Nowadays» (November 16-18, 2022, Washington, USA). – 2022. – № 132. – Pp. 244-247. – Bibliogr.: 3 ref.