Teaching English to Technical Students Using Role Playing Games

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Communicative approach in learning foreign languages today is a methodological standard. Role playing games have been used to facilitate subject-matter learning in classroom environment. Modern society requires well trained, technically competent specialists. A role play places the learner into a learning situation closely resembling the real life environment in which the desired behavior will be exhibited.


Ключові слова

Role playing game (RPG), interactive activity

Бібліографічний опис

Шевченко, O. Teaching English to Technical Students Using Role Playing Games / O. Шевченко // Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «Розвиток англомовних комунікативних вмінь в професійно-заданих ситуаціях у студентів немовних ВНЗ засобами рольових ігор». – 2010. – С. 73-74.