Лексичний повтор у романах Шарлотти Бінґхем




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Видавничий дім "Гельветика"


The article has been devoted to lexical repetition. Types of lexical repetition have been identified, their quantitative correlation and stylistic functions in the novels by Charlotte Bingham have been analysed. The term “lexical repetition” has been defined as the repeating of a word or word combination in one sentence, paragraph or whole message. It has been revealed that lexical repetition is a stylistic device of planned communication, i.e. it is used with certain pragmatic intention. Lexical repetition has been classified into simple contact repetition, expanded repetition, framing, catch repetition, successive repetition and etymological repetition. It has been outlined that in the novels by Charlotte Bingham lexical repetition provides for the structural and semantic text coherence, helps achieve the desired stylistic effect, creates certain pragmatic impact on the reader. It has been researched that in the novels by Charlotte Bingham lexical repetition is mainly represented by simple contact repetition (29,7%), catch repetition (28,7%) and framing (19,2%). Expanded (12,4%) and etymological (9,6%) repetition are used less frequently. Successive repetition (0,4%) is infrequent. Simple contact repetition (29,7%) is used by Charlotte Bingham to express the characters’ emotional state or to describe space or time with an indication of measure or degree. Catch repetition (28,7%) is used to reproduce the characters’ natural speech as realistically as possible or to perform the feedback function. Framing (19,2%) is used to emphasize the part of the utterance which has particular information value or to reproduce vernacular as realistically as possible. Expanded (12,4%) and etymological (9,6%) repetitions are used to emphasize emotionality of the utterance and specify its main idea by endowing the repeated lexical item with different informational and characteristic nuances. Chain repetition (0,4%) is used to represent sequence, cause-and-effect relationships and slow-motion course of events. Key words: catch-repetition, framing, lexical repetition, novel, simple catch repetition, stylistic device.


Ключові слова

Бібліографічний опис

Гайденко, Ю. О. Лексичний повтор у романах Шарлотти Бінґхем / Гайденко, Ю. О., Колосова, Г. А., Корницька, Ю. А. // Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук. – 2024. – Вип. 72, том 1. – С. 209-216.