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У зібранні розміщено матеріали, що опубліковані або готуються до публікації в наукових журналах та збірниках.
Перегляд Статті (КФ) за Автор "Hajnacs, Indira"
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Документ Відкритий доступ University Autonomy and Governance(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023) Fetko, Yuliia; Geraskov, Sergii; Hajnacs, Indira; Stoika, YuliiaThis strategic foresight aims to provide a brief summary of the topical challenges and transformational powers that are of concern for the freedom of universities from a perspective of the Danube Region. While defining the influences that shape levels of academic institutional autonomy, we consider technological, political, social and economic challenges. From a methodological perspective, for the analysis of such a multifaceted topic as the autonomy of universities and their governance, we have chosen to approach it from both theoretical and practical perspectives. From a philosophical perspective, autonomy refers to self-determination and self- governance. After identifying topical trends and challenges as entrepreneurial thinking in university governance or corruption, which is especially present in the Danube Region, four scenarios have been developed with various likelihoods of realisation. Indicators are identified for each of these scenarios, and possible methods of prevention or encouragement are proposed.